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Warning- Self Harm

I was staring at the mirror, I don't recognise myself anymore. What happened to the little girl I was when I started Hogwarts. She's dead. My eyes landed on something else, my mind racing at a thousand different angles. I picked it up, Emery left out her razor blades. I wonder what it would feel like.

I've heard of people using them to num their pain. I let it slide deeply across my wrist.
Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. I did it again, and again, and again. I had about twelve see lines on my arm. I watched the blood come out in little red dots.

It didn't hurt. I sharply inhaled before hiding the blade in one of the draws. I pulled down my sleeve before leaving the bathroom. I need to think of an excuse for my face, but for now I'm gonna sleep.


I woke up to my body being shaken, I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. Hermione, she looks like she just saw a ghost.
"You cannot tell me you tripped this time." She said as she attempted to look at my cheek. I threw myself back. Not letting her touch me.

"I didn't trip, I walked into a wall" I said shrugging my shoulders. Her lips parted.

"I'm going to fucking kill him" she said sternly.
"You think I believe you walked into a wall and got a cut lip and bruised face out of it! I'm going to fucking kill him!" She yelled causing me to flinch.

She gave me a sympathetic look, "what had he done to you"

"You have to help me come up with an excuse" I pleaded as she gave me a look,
"Babe, he's abusing you. You have to report this!" She yelled again, "but first you need to eat, you look pale" She sweetly smiled at me.

I knew there was no way out of this. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Hermione gave me a look as I always change in front of her, I can't anymore. I don't need her seeing my body.

We approached the Great Hall, I kept my head down as we walked inside. I already know what everyone was looking at. I sat down in my usual seat, still keeping my head down.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" George slammed his fist onto the table causing me to flinch, his eyes widened at my reaction. He didn't give it another thought before getting up, and charging for the Slytherin table. Before I could process it he grabbed Liam, threw him onto the ground and punched him over, and over again.

Everyone was really confused, a few students were encouraging the fight. While others were yelling at them to stop. George was winning.

"ENOUGH!" Mcgonagall yelled before she grabbed the two boys by the collar and dragged them out of the hall. She motioned for me to come with them. I groaned before getting out of my seat and following them.


"Miss Blake?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see George sitting in a chair on my left and Liam sitting in a chair on my right. We are currently sitting in front of Professor Mcgonagall.

"Sorry?" I said.

"What happened to your face? Weasley says Hilton punched you but Hilton says you fell"

"That's right" I looked at Liam, "I fell"

"Bullshit!" George yelled, "He's clearly abusing her but she won't admit it because he's sitting right there and laughing about it" I looked at Liam, he was indeed laughing.

"Will you boys please leave the room, I want to have a chat with Ms Blake" Mcgonagall said.
They both got up and left, leaving me and Mcgonagall in here alone.

"He's gone, if he's hitting you all you have to do is say so. And I promise you, he won't return to Hogwarts." She had a sympathetic look on her face.

"He doesn't hit me, I fell" I sighed.

"You know what's strange, Ms Granger told me you told her you walked into a wall" She sighed as she pinched her nose temple. "So what is it, you fell? You walked into a wall? You're getting abused?"

"I fell." I wanted to cry, tell her all about what he's done. But I can't.

"Alright, if you need to talk to me. I'm always here. I will have to issue the boys detention for fighting" She sighed.

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