the movie

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Sam and Colby like eachother in more-than-a-friend way, yet they both aren't aware of the others feelings...

(They are both watching a horror movie at 2am)

(Colbys POV)

"AHHH!" Sam jumped and covered his face with a pillow as the 5th jumpscare appeared on the screen.
"It's not even that scary" I chuckled. Sam smiled back at me, his big blue eyes staring into mine as I feel my cheeks grow red.
"Yo dude are you good? You're bright red" Sam said with a concerned tone. He put his hand up to my head and checked my temperature, his soft skin making me shiver.
"Y-yeah I'm good, let's carry on watching the movie" I say, smiling and pressing play on the TV. The next jumpscare popped up, scaring the life out of Sam as he clutched my arm and hid his face in my shoulder. Once he realised what he just did, he immediately attempted to pull away but was stopped by arm wrapping around his shoulder. I watch him, in the corner of my eye, look up at me, cheeks bright red, before he looks down and continues to watch the movie. Another jumpscare appeared, "OMG TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF!" Sam yelled as he leans into me and buries his face into my neck and wraps his arms around my waist, his warm breath caressing my skin. I can feel him shivering beneath me as I pause the TV. I gulp as his breath continues to warm up my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I put my hand on his shoulder and patted it, unsure what to do next. He finally looks up at me, arms still wrapped around my waist. We stare at eachother for a moment before I grab his chin and plant a kiss onto his soft lips. His hand travels up towards my cheek as I pull away from the kiss, staring into his big blue eyes. He immediately pulls me in for another kiss, pulling himself up right as I grab his waist, adjusting him so he's resting above me.
"I love you Sam" I say, not breaking eye contact.
"I love you too Colby" he responds pulling me in for another kiss. He straddles my waist as our tounges intertwine. He runs his soft fingers through my hair and let's out a slight moan when I go deeper into the kiss. He pulls away from my lips as I bring up a finger to caress his. He readjusts himself to lie next me, his head tucked into my chest and we fall asleep right there, in eachothers arms, with nothing to disturb us as we drift off together.

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