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Sam, Colby, Corey and Elton were exploring an abandoned house for a tfil video when they started to hear strange noises. Not normal noises, like bangs or creaks, but screams.


(Sams POV)

The house was really eerie and dark. I was walking behind everyone else, taking more notice of my surroundings then the others were. We walked past a doorway, and I spotted something sprint by, like a person, not something paranormal. I stopped walking, trying to take a peak in the room.
"Guys?" I shouted as they kept on walking. They didn't respond so I just shook it off as if it was nothing and continued walking.

High pitched girl scream

We all stop in our tracks, looking at eachother in both shock and fear.
"What the fuck?" Corey says, clinging onto Elton.
"She just screamed bloody murder!" Colby said, as if we weren't all aware.
"Well no shit" Elton said sarcastically.
We heard it again, this time screaming help. Elton grabbed Corey's wrist, dragging him along as he runs out of the building. Colby follows, shouting for me to do the same, which I do. I ran past that same doorway as before, this time seeing blood up the walls. The boys were already far ahead to the point where I couldn't see them. Suddenly, I hear feet shuffling from behind me before I hear a loud whisper in my ear.
That whisper was soon followed by an extreme sharp pain in my side as I cry out for help. The boys were too far ahead to hear me. I clutched my side, my hand covered with blood as a figure runs away, a large machete in hand. I sob and scream in pain, limping to the exit. I finally see it, trying to speed up and my vision was getting more blurry.
"C-colby.." I whimper as I get outside. I see the boys not too far ahead, hugging eachother with relief that they got out safe.
"Sam!" Colby shouts, spotting me and running over to me, unaware of what happened. I feel blood coming up and I cough it out, collapsing to my knees as I continue clutching my blood coated side.
"Shit! Sam you're okay, it's gonna be okay" I hear Colby say softly as he kneels beside me.
"Fuck...Colby...I'm gonna die aren't I?" I say, smiling through the pain. I watch as tears develop in his deep, blue eyes before they run down his face.
"No Sam! You're not! Don't say that!" He sobs whilst taking off his shirt and using it to apply pressure to my wound. I move my bloody hand to his face weakly, wiping his tears and leaving traces of blood on his face. He cradles me in his arms, still attempting to stop the bleeding with his shirt.
"I'm tired Colby..." I slurr my words, blinking slowing and leaning my head on his chest.
"No Sam stay awake!" He yells, squeezing me tighter. I hear sirens whirling in the backround over Colbys faint sobs.
"I wanna sleep..." I whine, closing my eyes softly.
"Sam please! I love you! I love you so fucking much! I love you more than anything! Please don't fucking leave me..." he begs, sobbing hard as he trails off at the end. My chest hurt to an unbearable amount. My head was throbbing and I couldn't breathe as blood filled my lungs. I cough, blood coming out in a never-ending cycle.
"C-c-c-cant b-b-breathe" I whimper, gripping onto colby shirt weakly.
"I know baby, I know. Just stay with me" he said comfortingly. I feel my body get lifted off the ground, my eyes still closed but I could still feel Colbys tight grip around me. I get laid down onto something and something gets put over my mouth as I cough up more blood. I can hear Colbys faint sobs in the backround before I let sleep take over me, but was it really sleep?

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