stop telling me that you're okay!

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"Sam? Wake up baby, we gotta go" I knock on my boyfriends bedroom door, waiting for a response. He usually never sleeps in, but today seemed different. Last night, he seemed off. He was more clingy then usual and overly tired, but of course he never said anything, it's Sam we're talking about.
"Sammy?" I open the door. He was fast asleep, wrapped up in his covers looking more adorable then ever. I smile, kissing his head carefully.  I noticed his head was slightly warm but I thought nothing of his. Soft snores escaped his mouth, which hung open in the cutest way possible.
"Sam baby wake up" I said, shaking him lightly. He yawned and brought his hands up to his face, rubbing his bright blue eyes before bringing his hands to his chin and staring up at me. He smiled softly as I lean down to kiss him.
"Morning sunshine" I say, stroking his cheek gently.
"Morning Colbs" he replied, sounding exhausted, which was odd as he had 10 hours of sleep.
"You okay?" I ask him.
"Of course!" He responded enthusiastically.  We got ready and left the house, finally arriving at the location 2 hours later. He fell asleep in the car, which never happens.
"You sure you're okay?" I ask again, rubbing his thigh gently.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be" he says. We filmed the intro and then got out the car, investigating for a while afterwards.


I've felt horrible for the past 24 hours. I've threw up and fainted several times so thank God Colby hasn't noticed. He definitely catching on from how often I've been sleeping though. I don't wanna tell him because it'll ruin the video and the fans are more important. We were investigating for a bit when I started to feel A LOT worse. My head was throbbing and the nausa was horrendously bad. I didn't want Colby to notice so I told him that I should do an investigation alone, outside. He agreed and left me with a camera and ghost equipment. My hands started shaking and I felt so dizzy that when I looked at my hand, it looked as if I was waving. I then felt extremely nauseous and short of breath, collapsing to my knees as I threw up. I sat for a bit; catching my breath as I continued the experiment. I soon went back inside, continuing the experiments with Colby. I didn't really catch anything outside but I wasn't really watching. I started to feel worse then I did outside. I slowed down my movement as I caught my breath.
"Sam? You alright?" Colby asks, I nod silently, my hands and face sweating from how ill I was. Suddenly, the dizziness got extremely intense, becoming unbearable, along with my sudden chest pain.
"C-c-colbs?" I stutter, "hel-help" I collapsed forwards, something catching me before I hit my head. Everything spun around me before it just faded away.

"Sam? Sam? Wake up!" I yell out, concerned as I tap his face with my hand. I had no response so I pulled out my phone dialing 911.
"Hello?" I say desperately, "My boyfriends just collapsed!" They told me to check for a pulse whilst they send an ambulance or 2. "There's no pulse! What do I do?" I yell out, on the verge of tears. I began chest compressions and rescue breaths, following the instructions given by the operator until I heard sirens.
"Sam please" I begged through sobs.
The ambulance finally arrived and the paramedics rushed over to Sam. I grabbed his hand as the paramedics continued CPR.
"What's wrong with him?" I choked through my sobs.
"Cardiac arrest" my soul left my body. I gripped Sam's hand tighter, running my fingers through his hair as he showed no sign of life. Suddenly, Sam's eyes shot open and his chest started to move up and down.
"Sam!" I shouted in relief. The paramedics put an oxygen mask on him. He looked awful. He was completely out of it, seeming drunk, extremely pale and his hands were slightly shakey. But he was still with me.
"I thought I lost you" I sobbed. He smiled through the oxygen mask, squeezing my hand gently.
"I love you Sammy" I lean down to whisper in his ear, also kissing his head gently. As I'm leaning done, he wraps one arm around me, his body radiating heat that warmed mine almost immediately. I was so grateful that he was alive.

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