what the fuck corey?

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TW: seizure

(Colbys POV)

We were are laughing, having a great time when Sam made a joke about the Shadow man. Me, Jake and Elton found it hilarious but Corey seemed to have a problem with it.
"Shut the fuck up Sam" he says, seeming angry. We all stop laughing and listen.
"Huh?" Sam says, still smiling.
"Shut the actual fuck up" Corey repeats himself, raising his voice. Sam's smile drops as he goes to speak.
"Sorry brot-" he stutters before Corey cuts him off.
"You're so fucking annoying and so unfunny it's embarrassing"
"What the fuck is your problem?" I say to Corey.
"Hes the problem" he shouts, pointing at Sam, "no wonder why his parents thought he wasn't good enough, I mean look at him" he continues. I watch as Sam freezes, his bottom lip quivering and his eyes filling up with tears.
"Corey stop" Jake says, trying to stop the argument.
"No! I'm not surprised his grandma left him, fingers crossed cancer runs his genes so he can fuck off too. Or maybe lets hope he just kills himself because, lets face it, no one actually likes him! All your fans hate him and hes always the last choice" we all stand there, jaw dropped as Sam does nothing but sob.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" I scream at Corey, furious as my fists clench and my knuckles tense up. Elton starts screaming at Corey as I turn to Sam.
"C-colby" he says before he collapses, catching him in my arms.
"Sam? Sam?" I say, worried as I try to wake him up. He starts seizing, his mouth foaming up and his body shaking violently. "FUCK, SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" I shout out as Jake pulls out his phone. "C'mon Sam, stay with me" I say as I begin to cry, worried for my best friend. He's had a seizure before, but it was in a hospital when he was getting shots. There were no shots involved here. "ELTON!! HES HAVING A FUCKING SEIZURE" I scream as I begin to sob. Elton comes running over, taking off his jacket and putting it under Sam's head as he turns him to his side.
"Don't let him choke" he says to me calmly, comforting me as I sob, holding Sam's hand up to my face. The ambulance finally arrives and we all drive down to the hospital to meet Sam there. He is diagnosed with epilepsy and we are told that he needs to take medication and that he can't get stressed often.
"How come you've never picked up on this?" The doctor asks us.
"This is his second seizure, his first one was because of some needles" I respond.
"2nd? He's been having at least one every week for the past month" the doctor tells us. My heart drops. I'm such a bad best friend. I can't even notice when my friend, who I've known all my life, has seizures.
"COLBY!" Elton shouts, ending my daydream. I turn around to hug him, sobbing.
"I never even noticed Elton! I'm such a bad friend!" I cry out.
"None of us did, he's clearly good at hiding it" Jake says, tapping my shoulder.
"Hes awake by the way" the doctor said before walking away. I run into him, tears still streaming down my face.
"Sammy!" I yell out, wrapping my arms around him.
"Hiya Colby" he says, completely normal before he starts to sob into my shoulder.
"Sam? What's wrong?" I ask him, holding him tightly.
"Why do you still put up with me? I'm not good enough for you" he says through tears. I pull out of the hug, shocked at what he just said. I stare into his wet blue eyes before leaning in to kiss him, his lips soft and warm. Pulling away, I caress his cheek, running my other hand through his soft, blonde hair.
"You're perfect, Sammy. I love you so much" I say, kissing him again. He smiles.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want to be a burden" he says, running his fingers through my hair. I kiss his head softly.
"You're never a burden" I reply, stroking his cheek and caressing his lips with my finger.
"Thank you, Colbs" he says, smiling.
"I do have one question, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask him, nervously.
"Hmm, I'll have to think about that" he teases as he pulls me in to kiss me. I kiss him back before we are interrupted by Elton and Jake, cheering and clapping in the doorway.
"FINALLY!" they both shout, making both me and Sam laugh. I sit beside Sam on his bed, his hand in mine as we all laugh and joke around.
I love you Sammy.

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