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"You ready to go?" my boyfriend asked me. We were going to film an exploration video for our channel. I was exhausted. I had been up editing all night, having only 2 hours of sleep, and wasn't in the mood to run around and climb buildings.
"Yeah" I sighed, grabbing my backpack and walking out to the car. Colby locked the door as I got in the car before getting in himself and starting the engine. I leaned on the window, staring out of it whilst trying to keep myself awake.
"You okay baby?" He asked, placing his hand on my thigh.
"Yeah of course Colbs!" I say, trying to sound enthusiastic. We arrive at the location and film the intro in the car before starting to explore. I was 10x more tired then before from the car ride. I moved slowly, my body not wanting to move at all. This went on for about 30 minutes, whilst I climbed structures and crawled to hide from open walls.
"Are you sure you're okay Sam?" he asked again, noticing my weak movements. I was cut off before I could say anything by sirens.
"Cops!" I whispered but loudly. We slowly crept around, trying to avoid being seen. We were luckily on the 1st floor, we just had to find an exit. We finally found a doorway that led into a forest area. It was pitch black outside and we had to sprint to avoid being seen. I couldn't see anything as I had turned off my flashlight to protect myself and Colby from the cops, but from what I did know, Colby was far ahead of me. My body hurt. I just wanted to lie down and curl up into a ball. But I couldn't. I had to keep running. My legs were cut by twigs and bushes as I ran. It started to rain heavily, soaking my body from head to toe. My eyes were dropping and I became dazed and drousy. I couldn't call Colbys name; 1. We were running from the cops, 2. I was too weak. I tripped on something, maybe a rock or a tree branch? I don't know but I hit the ground hard, yelping upon impact. I had no idea where Colby or the cops were. My leg was numb, I was cold and my head was throbbing, my body begging for sleep. I tried to crawl, but made basically no progress as my body just stopped and refused to move.
"C-colby" I whimpered before sleep took over me.


I thought Sam was right behind me. I couldn't see because of the lack of light and the heavy rain. so I just kept running. When I reached the end to where our car was, I realised the blonde was no where to be seen.
"Sam?" I called out, breathing heavily from all the running as my wet hair dripped all over my face. The cops had given up on the search and were long gone, so where could Sam be? I frantically looked around before sprinting back the way I came, shouting Sam's name in hopes of a response. I turned on my flashlight, remembering that the cops were gone.
"SAM! WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed, panick in my voice as I searched for my boyfriend. My clothes and hair were soaked from the storm that was happening in the sky. Sam hated storms. Where is he? After around 5 minutes, I finally saw the easily recognisable body, just lying there on his stomach.
"Sam!" I yell out, running to him and kneeling beside him, rolling him onto his back. I shake him lightly, trying to wake him up. His eyes flutter open.
"C-colby?" His voice was weak and his eyes were open by a slither. I cradle his small body in my arms, stroking his forehead with the back of my index finger. The rest of his skin was cold to the touch, but his head was boiling.
"Oh're burning up" I kiss his head softly, my lips being warmed up by his touch. I took off my hoodie and put it on his cold body, the sleeves giving him sweater paws.
"M-my leg!" He winced in pain, a single tear tripping down his face and mixing with the rain water. I looked down at his leg. There was huge gash, pouring with blood. I almost vomited at the sight.
"You're okay baby, it's okay" Sam winced again, bringing his cold hands up to his temple.
"I'm sorry Sammy, let's get you home" I say comfortingly, feeling guilty for losing him as I stood up and jogged towards the car, Sam in my arms. He closed his eyes and leaned his head into my chest, sobbing as I held him tightly. The car finally came into view and I unlocked it, placing him in the passenger seat and grabbing the first aid kit. We always brought it with us incase anything bad happened, nothing as bad as this has ever happened. I took off my shirt and placed it on the wound on Sam's leg, applying pressure to stop the bleeding as he groaned in pain.
"I'm so sorry baby, I need to stop the bleeding" I say comfortingly, rubbing his other leg with my hand in a soothing manor. Once the bleeding calmed down, I cleaned the wound with a wipe carefully as Sam cried. I felt awful. I bandage up his leg and pull him into my arms, kissing his wet face all over, his tears dampening my lips.
"We'll check on it tomorrow okay? You might need stitches" I tell him. He nods softly before I kiss his lips once more and buckle his seatbelt before shutting his door. As I drive home, he drifts off to sleep, resting his head on my shoulder. Soft snores escaped his lips as he slept peacefully; he is so godamn adorable.


"Sammy baby, we're home" I wake up to a calming voice. I sit upright and rub my eyes with my hands as I feel someone lift me up and cradle me in their arms. I was too tired to see who it was so I just allowed it. They carried me inside and placed me on a bed, taking off my shoes and wet clothes, swapping them for sweatpants and a hoodie that was 3 sizes too big. It smelt like Colby and was so warm and soft. I smile lightly as someone crawls inbeside me.
"You okay Sammy?" I hear my boyfriends voice. I open my eyes and roll onto my side to face Colby.
"Hi baby" he smiles and kisses my nose. I giggle and smuggle into his bare chest. He was warm and smelt so good.
"Colbs" I say sleepily as he runs his fingers through my wet hair, planting soft kisses on my head. He pulls me in by my waist a traces light circles on my back, soothing my body from the events of tonight.
"My blonde beauty" he hums into my hair, "Your hair is so soft baby"
"I love you" I giggle, closing my eyes and slowly letting sleep take over me.
"I love you more baby" he kisses me all over and holds me close to his body, warming me up completely as I fall asleep.

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