Chapter 4: Darkness Rising pt 4

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"Megatron has desecrated the resting place of our fallen ancestors and his own." Ratchet was ready to fight.

"Not even the dead are free from his war-mongering." Sire replied.

I climbed and sneaked to the highest platform I could go to. And the nearest platform was near uncle. He was talking to himself, "At last, symbiosis. I can feel it. I posses complete control over my army." He spoke louder, "DESTROY THEM!"

Sire was literally grinding with his guns with Ratchet behind him. I heard ratchet say something but I could not understand what he said because there was noise already.Ratchet began to help destroy the Terrorcons. 

"I have mastered Dark energon. When you fall, Optimus, you, too, shall join my army." Uncle said to my Sire. The Terrorcons we're overwhelming Sire and Ratchet, and their energy was being drained. They were back to back with lacking strength. Sire was being buried under there Terrorcons, same was Ratchet, "Optimus!" Ratchet exclaimed.

"NO!" I jumped down and transformed. I grabbed my katana's and began to slicing the Terrorcons that were in my way.

Sire began to slice his way out, "Yaaaah." He started to grind the Terrorcons again. I was off guard and a Terrorcon came up behind me. 

It whispered in my head, "Long time, no see, Primala." It stabbed me near my spark and it missed. I turned my head slightly to see a face of a dear friend.

"Dustracer," the sword began to dig deeper into my chassis. I screamed and said, "Why! You were better than this."

"I had no choice. He killed my family and I was defenceless. Please take this pain away." I saw a tear dripping from his optics. "Please." He repeated, "Take the pain away." 

I walk forward and Dustracer stayed put, not moving the sword. I felt the sword scrap against my metal. Energon was leaking out of the now open wound, "You were my best friend, and will always be, but I would never kill you even if you are already dead, being controlled by my uncle." I cried, "You were more than a friend. You were like a big brother to me. And I will never kill you."

"Somethings must be done to protect others." I felt his voice with certain, "Do it and you will protect the people you love. You can take my memories and learn of what happened in this battle." He held his servo to my spark, "Till All Are One."

I felt his memories enter me like a tsunami over a beach. "I love you, brother." I grabbed my katana's and did a clean slice, cutting his helm off. "I will never forget you."

"MY LEGION, FINISH THEM! SAVE MY NIECE FOR ME TO KILL!" Sire and Ratchet were now gridding the raid again. The energon that was leaking on my chassis was now dry. A couple of the Terrorcons went to my direction. "Bravo, Optimus. Though this is but a prelude. You may wish to save your strength for the main event." 

Sire was talking to Megatron when he was climbing the rocks. Then Sire tried to hit uncle but uncle transformed and flew off. I was like a mountain goat, jumping rock to rock, to get to Sire and Ratchet.

"If this wasn't Megatron's endgame, what is?" Ratchet asked while he rubbed his broken arm. 

"I have no clue and I don't want to find out."

"Daughter, you are in big trouble," Sire sees my chassis, "Now you are hurt." 

"I'm fine, Sire. I'm really am fine."

* * *

We got back to the base, Sire put a cast on Ratchets arm, and he literally had me strapped to a berth. I saw Raf look at me and then away to not draw attention to me for Miko to see.

"What happened to you guys, anyway?" Miko asked.

"We engaged an army of undead cybertronian warriors." Ratchet said.

"Zombies? You fought zombies and I missed it?" She pouted.

"I had to kill my best friend that I considered as a brother." I winced at my chassis. "Can I get unstrapped now?" Sire sighs and unstrapped me. "Ratchet will fix your damage."

"My Caretaker can fix the damage." I get up and transformed into my human form near Raf. And Miko's face was in confusion and excitement of what I am.

"Huh, you were that mysterious Cybertronian that helped us a few days ago. Optimus's daughter, Primala. Right?" Arcee asked


Raf hugged me and I winced at my bandaged chest. "Sorry," Raf whispered.

"It's okay, Raf, I'll be fine."

"Bulkhead, you exercised extremely poor judgement in allowing the humans to accompany you." Sire said. "It won't happen again, Optimus. I promise."

"But it wasn't bulkheads fault, then why did Prim get to go with you guys?" Miko said.

"Miko, please!"

"And check it out. Recon." She grabbed out her pink flip phone and showed to Sire. 

"Umm. Ratchet, have a look. It could be of importance to Megatron."

"Woah. Megatron's back?" Jack asked. 

"That's really bad news, right?"

"Yes. I literally got to see him up close for a second time." I hugged myself. 

Ratchet bends down to examine Miko's phone. "I don't understand."

Miko looks at her phone, "Oops. That's the con that tried to blow Raf away. At least, that's what he looked like before Bulkhead rearranged his grille." She punch the air in fount of her.

"Miko, Raf was almost killed. This isn't a game! When are you gonna get that though your thick skull?!" Jack blew up."Um, we were all almost killed, Jack- you, me, Raf, even them." She pointed towards me, Sire, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Arcee.

"Well, if this was just an average day with the Autobots, the I don't want to be a part of it- Not anymore."

"Jack, please reconsider." I asked.

"It's my choice."

"Jack, putting you in harm's way was never our intent. However, it is no longer the safety of you four that is at risk but the safety of all humankind. We will respect your decision if you wish to leave." My sire sounded like when he sent me away.

The ground bridge opened. "No point in long goodbyes. Here's the door." Ratchet said in a hurry.

"Come on, Raf." Jack said.Raf looked at Bumblebee but Bee's head looked down. 

"I'll be okay, Jack. See you at school."

"Sure thing." 

"See you at school, Jack." He turns around and talked to Arcee a little and then went into the ground bridge.

1 hour after Jack left, Miko left with Bulkhead and Raf with Bumblebee. I was in my Cybertronian form Ratchet was on his console and was looking at the instructions that Miko sent to him. The computer beeps and Ratchet looked down. 

"It can't be. Optimus!" 

I got up and walked slowly to Sire and Ratchet, "What's happening?" I asked.

"These are engineering spec for a space-time vortex generator."

"Uncle is making a space bridge?"

"If he hasn't already." Sire responded.Bulkhead enters the room with Bumblebee. 

"The sooner he leaves, the better."

"Bulkhead, a space bridge runs two directions. Megatron may not be using it to leave earth but to bring through his conquering army."

"The main event Megatron referred to?" Ratchet asked. "But the only place Megatron could possibly recruit that many fallen warriors..." He looks at Sire.

"Precisely," Sire looked upwards.

"So, it's Cybertron?" I asked.

"Yes, it's Cybertron." Sire confirmed.

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