Chapter 6: Masters and Students

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I saw Sire standing near the ground bridge. I walked towards him, so did Ratchet.

"Optimus, why so glum? This planet- all planets- Are finally free from Megatron's tyranny." Ratchet said.

"Aren't you glad Megatron is dead? The war is now over."

"I do not disagree. It's just... A small part of me hoped to change Megatron's

mind, not extinguish his spark."

"Optimus, his vileness was not your slain by your hand but by his own twisted arrogance."

I swayed a little from the dark energon that was still in the Allspark. "Somebots

should be forgiven even when it comes to family and sometimes a murderer turns out to be good and just has bad days."

Sire just hums.

"I'm sorry." Ratchet apologized. "I know that you and Megatron had quite a history."

"I wished I met him when he was good, Sire."

"The Megatron whom I once fought beside parished eons ago. The day he chose

to become a Decepticon." Sire said. He turns to look at me and Ratchet. "The Decepticons may be in disarray, but they aren't without leadership. And while Starscream is no Megatron, he is far from predictable."

"Ha! No one will ever follow that high heel, flying Dorito!"

A mini explosion made us freak out.

"Decepticons! We're under attack!" Ratchet exclaimed

We ran towards where the explosion was and we found Raf and Bumblebee in a cloud of smoke.

"It's no attack, Ratchet." Raf coughs. "It's my volcano." The volcano that Raf made sunk into mush, "Or was."

Miko was painting the solar system. She was painting Jupiter. "Hold still,

Bulkhead, Jupiter needs its red spot." She spills a little red paint on the floor. "Whoopsie!"

"What... in the Allspark is going on in here?"

"Our projects are due tomorrow." Jack explained.

"Scrap! I forgot to do mine." I transformed into my human form and got my backpack full of supplies to make my project.

"Maybe it needs one of these doohickeys?" Arcee asked Jack.

"You're a motorcycle, Arcee. Shouldn't you know how to build a motorcycle engine?"

"You're a human, Jack. And can you build me a small intestine?"

"Well, you can't work on these projects here. You're making a mess!" Ratchet yelled.

"But the science fairs a big part of our grade." Raf said.

"Yeah. If Bulkhead doesn't help me with this model of the solar system." Miko said.

"When did you start doing work, Miko?" I asked.

"Not until I get an A+ for this project," She giggled.

"Oh, and what does Bulkhead know of your solar system, or Bumblebee of your volcanos, or-"

"Arcee of our motorcycles." Jack finished Ratchet's sentence.

"Precisely. We're not earthlings and they're not scientists."

"But the Autobots are their guardians, Ratchet. Would it hurt to learn more of Earth by helping our young friends with their schoolwork?" Sire asked.

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