Chapter 10: Out of His Head

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I woke up with drained energy and I yawned while I walked to the med bay, well uncle who controlled my body did. I noticed Ratchet has my Sire in a machine.

"Follow the light. Good. Good," Ratchet put a light in Sires optics. "I wouldn't advice anything strenuous, Optimus, but it appears that your systems have fully recovered from the Cybonic plague."

"Thanks to your medical expertise, old friend," The machine released Sire.

"It was your daughter who braved unknown territory to locate the cure," Ratchet saw me enter the room.

.::Yeah::. Bumblebee buzzed.

"Lucky for us, Megatron was still alive," Arcee said unexpectedly.

.::Did you actually just say that?::. Bumblebee buzzed the question.

Arcee replied, "Yeah, I actually said that."

"What matters is that you are on the mend, Optimus, while Megatron -- " Ratchet said.

"Is finished," I said but I didn't say because Megatron was in my mind and forced me to say it. Megatron was in control of my body again. He turned me around and I walked out of the med bay.

"She's right. Did my best to finish Megatron's story. Just couldn't stick around long enough to see how it ended," Arcee said.

Megatron talked to me within my helm, "It is a matter of time before Optimus discovers all is not right with you, niece. I must reclaim my body, which means taking complete and total control of yours." I saw visions of Megatron in my head.

Hours later

Miko exclaimed, "Basketball by way of Cybertron. Let the games begin." She then blew a whistle.

Bulkhead chuckled when Bee spinned the ball in his servo. Bee threw the ball to the makeshift hoop but Bulkhead caught it.

"Yeah! Go, bulk!" Miko exclaimed.

"Come on. Best two out of three," Bulkhead said. He threw the ball towards Bumblebee and Bee started to dodge Bulkhead.

"Bee, you're in the clear!" Raf shouted. "Dunk it, Bee!" Bumblebee Dunked the ball and I saw visions of Megatron's death. The ball went my way and megatron/I grabbed the ball.

"Primala, give me the ball," Megatron/I threw the ball at him unexpectedly towards his helm.

"Whoa!" Bulkhead dodged the ball at the last second.

Miko blew her whistle, "Eh, flagrant foul!"

"Dodge ball by way of Cybertron," Jack said to Raf.

"You nearly took off my helm! Also, the hoop is over there!"

"Prim? You okay?" Raf asked


"Yeah. Uh, three out of five. Bee? Let's continue," Bulkhead said.

Megatron's voice filled my helm, If I am to return to my body, I must first restore its functionality. How did I escape on high emission? Of course. Dark Energon. Starscream.

The next morning

Megatron was forcing me to walk into the med bay and he saw something and made me grab it. Yes, go on, niece. Obey my will, he said in my helm. Uncle made me just destroyed Ratchet's tool.

"Primala!" I slowly turned around to look at Ratchet with the broken tool in my servo. "I needed that!"

"R-really?" I looked at the tool.

"What has gotten into you?"

"I-I don't know. I keep o-on seeing my u-uncles face," I dropped the tool, breaking it more.

"You're seeing Megatron's face?" Ratchet brought me to a medberth and I was now in power down mode.

An hour later Megatron forced me awake and I heard Raf talking to me. "Prim? Primala, wait!"

I walked like a mindless drone and I went to the ground bridge controls and put in coordinates to a dark energon shard that Uncle threw into the ground.

Megatron pushed me out of my helm. Well, I was still in my helm, just I couldn't do anything so I went to the Allspark. Whatever you know about me, was all a lie, Uncle's voice boomed in my helm.

I went to the valley where we all fought and I was looking for the dark energon shard that uncle was forcing my body to look for. After Megatron forced me to grab it I walked back through the Ground bridge.

"Primala? What have you been doing?" Ratchet pulled my hand open, "Dark Energon?" I punched him in the face.

I walked towards Raf, grabbed him, and put him on a higher edge, "Prim, what are you doing? Primala, please! I know you're in there! Aah! You have to fight whatever's making you do this!" I walked to the bridge and began to run through it.

Once inside the warship, Megatron/I began to attack 'cons that were in my way. He forced me to walk to the med bay and do the cortical psychic patch so we can get him his body back.

"Ratchet, don't hurt Primala!" I heard.

Ratch ran towards me, "That's not Primala!" He tried to land hits on me but Megatron/I dodged them. I hit Ratchet and sent him flying into a wall.

Megatron! Please stop it!

No! He yelled in my helm.

"Primala, no! Remember who you are! Remember me!" Raf ran towards me, "I know you always listen to me, no matter what." I tried to take control of my body but Megatron was stronger than me.

"Raf," I whispered.

"That's right, Prim. It's me."

Unbelievable! Uncle yelled and he made me fall to my knees. Raf touched my arm but Megatron/I threw him to the other side of the room. 

Stop it! I don't want to hurt them!

Ratchet was moving and was about to take off the life support, "Farewell, Megatron," And he did.

I began to fight him, he dodged, and I flipped him over causing him to grunt in pain near Raf.

"Primala!" Raf yelled.

I turned around and pulled out the dark energon.

"My Daughter can't hear you anymore," Megatron used my voice.

Daughter? But I'm Optimus's daughter not yours!

"As much as I want you to leave Primala's body, I can't let you go back to your own!" Raf ran towards me and grabbed the cord that was connected to my helm, and he fell off of it.

I turned around and jammed the dark energon into the hole in Megatron's chest. Uncle began to shake and opened his optics when I fell to the ground on my knees.

"Decepticons... Your rightful lord and master has returned." He walked past us, "Finish these pests but leave my daughter alone and bring her to a secure berthroom." He walked towards the doors, "I have my own extermination to perform."

I don't remember anything because I collapsed and the darkness consumed me.

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