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8 years before....

Penelope stood in front of the gold framed mirror as Eloise fixed her hair piece,

"You look beautiful Pen."

Penelope couldn't help but smile, today was the day she was marrying her best friend, her soulmate, her everything. Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington were destined, they were inevitable.

They had known each other since they were 6 years old, the Bridgerton's had recently moved to the small town of Ashwell, and it was a shock to the community as the Bridgerton named was entwined with wealth, status, and drama. They had moved to the small town after their father's sudden passing, Violet Bridgerton, the matriarch, explained it was to focus on the most important It just so happens that Eloise was sat next to Penelope in class and well she had invited Penelope over for an over-the-top birthday party as her new friend. It was then she met Eloise's older brother, Colin. He was two years older, annoying, and rude; those were the first impression's she had of him.

...But when she turned 13, that all changed. She fell in love with him, hard, fast and she always thought it was unattainable. So to her surprise when she turned 16, Colin and Penelope first kissed. Since then, they had pretty much been inseparable. They were completely and utterly sickening – in love. Colin was captain of the football team, and Penelope was a cheerleader, a simple cliché, but pretty damn cute. She loved being able to run to him after a game, jump into his arms and claim him. He was spectacular, and handsome as hell. Penelope could never get over the old trope of falling in love with her best friend's brother, but it all felt so right. They felt right.

Colin would spend most of his time applying himself to music, and football, he really was super talented. While Penelope sat with her head in books. Penelope loved swinging on the porch chair just listening to him play, he was good, like really good. When he finally managed the courage to write his own stuff, she pushed him to open mic nights at local bars, he soon became the town's favourite singer. His voice was like butter, and every time he sang, Penelope was sure she fell in love all over again.

Penelope knew he was destined for greatness, she always did, but Colin? He was so darn hard on himself. His insecurities crept up a few times, and caused little arguments between the couple, but nothing that would cause any concern. They always found themselves back to one another, they'd always end up in each other's arms.

Penelope's dreams didn't contain a whole lot apart from Colin, she wanted nothing more than to stay in her childhood town, get married, have babies and work in her flower shop. She loved flowers. She loved being able to create something from such beauty. Penelope currently worked at a flower shop that was owned by a lady named Agatha Danbury, she was pretty much a staple in the town and pitied Penelope due to her 'orphaned' status. So she managed to get a job in her favourite place when she was 16, and she swore she'd never leave. Penelope was truly happy, truly. This town, these people, they were her home.

Just after her 18th birthday, Penelope's parents died in a tragic car wreck. She had never felt heartbreak like it. But somehow, even though she lost all the family she ever had... she knew she'd never be alone. Colin, and the Bridgerton's, she knew that they'd always take care of her. That was evident as soon as she met them. Violet was so kind to Penelope, and took care of her instantly, Penelope loved that woman just like a mother.

Violet, soon after she arrived in Ashwell, became the local Pastor, and she was beloved. Everyone loved that woman, everyone. Her words moved people, her ways and kindness were aspirational, just being around her made you want to be a better person.

Violet was very close friends with her mother, and at the burial of Penelope's parents, she couldn't bring herself to stand there and speak, so Violet made sure the whole day went with ease. Burying one parent was hard, but two? Seemed almost unfathomable, Penelope doesn't remember much from that day, except one thing that Violet said,

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