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The night had gone fast, Penelope had managed to catch up with everyone. She had tried to keep herself distract and stay as far away from Colin Bridgerton as she could. It didn't go unnoticed as Kate would giggle or raise her eyebrow as Penelope tried to run every time Colin inched a little closer.

As everyone finished their dinner, Penelope had leaned into Eloise enquiring why they had had been gathered at the Matriarch of the Bridgerton's home. But before she could finish her question, Violet stood up and clinked her glass,

"Ok Children, I think you have all wondered why I have gathered you all here under such short notice. Daphne..."

Violet smiled and tipped her glass towards her eldest daughter, Daphne nodded shifted her seat back and stood up as her mother sat back down a little nervously,

"The town have contacted me, and told me that Simon had been planning the refurbishment of the old library, and he had been over seeing plans for the past year to reopen it, and then have a separate community centre for the kids, it was meant to be a surprise..."

Daphne cleared her throat and tried to fight back the tears, Penelope grabbed Eloise's hand and squeezed it tightly. The two best friends smiled at Daphne and gave her a smile of encouragement,

"It seems they have finished the project, and want to name the centre after Simon, it will now be known as The Simon Basset Hall."

Violet immediately stood and wrapped her arms around her daughter. The other siblings had tears, Gregory started clapping, to which everyone joined in. Anthony stood up and raised his glass,

"To Simon."

Everyone followed suit.

To Simon.

Penelope looked at Colin, he looked downcast. She knew he was hurting. She sat back down after the toast and leaned her head on to Eloise's shoulder,

"He was some guy."

Eloise nodded,

"He was one of the best."

Penelope wiped a tear that had fallen from her eye and then felt her dress being tugged from the side,

"Mama, is it ok if I stay with Colin and Grandma tonight."

Penelope looked towards Colin who just smiled in acknowledgement,

"As long as that's ok with your grandma."

Agatha ran towards Violet and Penelope knew Violet would be over the moon at Agatha staying over. She loved having her grandkids. Violet sent over Penelope a thumbs up and scooped Agatha into her lap while she discussed something at the end of the table with Anthony and Kate.

It was getting late, and people were starting to make their way out, small goodbyes and waves were given as no doubt everyone was exhausted. This week had been a lot for everyone. Eloise had told Penelope she'd be leaving to head to Philip's, while the young crowd 'Greg & Hy' were going to heading to the bar, everyone else were heading for their bed, and that's exactly what Penelope needed.

Penelope downed the last of her wine and as she looked to her left, she saw that Colin was approaching from the other end of the table. Penelope decided to attempt the escape, however as she stood up... she quickly felt the effects of the wine.

"Eloise if you love me at all please please keep him away from me."

Eloise laughed and exhaustively nodded her head as she saw Penelope tilting her head to the approaching ex-fiancée. She couldn't let Colin see her like this, or moreover Penelope couldn't be around Colin when she was like this. She quickly gathered herself, kissed Eloise's cheek and made her way inside cautiously towards the kitchen trying to remain undetected. She just needed another drink, something to cool down, it had been a long, uncomfortable, emotional dinner. Probably why she indulged in more wine than her normal. She couldn't deny it, but this whole week had taken a toll on Penelope, and just for a moment she needed to breath.

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