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Colin awoke in his old room by noise. A sharp noise. His eyes struggled to open, but as he rolled over, he was surprisingly not hungover. He heard pebbles smacking against his window, he wasn't sure what it was at first until one small rock cracked his window. He could tell by the noise it made, he quickly rushed over to the window itself and looked outside, and there she stood. She didn't look happy, she looked damn right enraged, she stood with her arms folded as he came to, and she directed him to meet her at the door of his mother's house.

He quickly grabbed a t-shirt and jeans and pulled them on while hobbling down the stairs, no one else was home by the sounds of it as it was eerily quiet, but when he ran by the clock, he saw it was almost noon, so no doubt everyone was just getting on with their day.

He got to the bottom of the stairs and didn't even bother putting on shoes as he rushed outside.

As he got outside the light was a bit brighter than expected so he raised his forearm to block the sun for his eyes to adjust to the light. At first all he saw was her locks flowing down her front, she looked beautiful. She had on her usual denim shorts and top but... she could take his breath away without even trying.

He finally saw her.

She stood with her arms crossed, and he kept the distance between them.

She reached behind her and pulled out his old phone and looked at it.

"So you've been carrying around this old, beat-up, ducked taped, ugly phone for the past eight years because of me?"

He swallowed and nodded, his palms started to sweat,


She approached him slowly and cautiously,

"And you really listened to that voicemail, every single day since I left it there?"

Colin shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands in his pockets,

"Pen... of course I did."

He looked down but then he heard her breath hitch, and she came closer again, his heart was racing as he noticed her red eyes. His heart broke thinking he was yet again the cause of those tears that had left those precious blue eyes.

"And you're not ever leaving Ash again without Agatha or me?"

She was inches from his chest by now and Colin couldn't breathe,


He said it quietly, but his eyes never left hers, as she had to believe it this time, he wouldn't.

She had to believe him.

"Then, I just wanted to say..."

Penelope eyes filled with tears as she slid her hands to his face,

"Welcome home."

She pulled him into a kiss that shook his very core, his arms reached around her waist, and he lifted her from the ground and spun her while his lips never left hers. They pulled back for a just moment as they stared into each other's eyes, it was acceptance, it was Penelope is his arms, and it was perfect.

Penelope kissed him again and again, she was in his arms, lifted into the air. The air between them had become tense, her hands had become greedy, so did his. He reached down until he grabbed her thighs to wrap them around his waist. He knew in that moment he couldn't let her leave; he couldn't let her walk away without him showing her how much he adored her.

He heard her slightly moan as she lifted him, and Colin nearly lost all resolve.

He managed to open the door and carry her easily to his room; she couldn't help but giggle a little as he nearly stumbled a step.

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