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Colin woke up, turned on his phone, accessed his voicemail, and listened to that message just as he done every morning, every day...

So that morning Colin made it his mission to at least try, with not only Penelope but with his whole family. He knew if he had any chance at becoming the father he wanted to be, he would need them all. Fixing his relationship with Anthony was essential, as difficult as it may be.

He worked up all the courage he had and drove to Anthony's home he shared with his wife Kate. Michael had graciously Fed-Ex'd his cards, wallet, and clothes overnight. So he felt a little better in himself this morning, he had also been sent a car, a Ford Mustang convertible, safe to say Colin's eyes lit up when he saw it, so did his younger sister Eloise's until he saw her expression, then she shrugged it off, 'that's a disgusting colour' she said as she walked away with her nose in the air that morning.

As Anthony opened the door, and a look of shock crossed his face. After their recent argument, probably the last thing that Anthony expected was Colin showing up to his home with his tail between his legs.

Anthony escorted him out back, and even though it was midday, he cracked open a beer and handed it to Colin,

"I think we might need this."

Anthony slightly smiled, at least thing time he wasn't physically assaulting him,


They both sat for just a moment. They just sat accepting the awkwardness of the whole situation. Colin decided to break the silence first,

"I'm sorry you know; I didn't mean to cut everyone and everything off. But I had too, for my own sanity. I fucked up, I know that."

Anthony nodded and sipped his beer,

"Yeah, I guess. Listen, we were so proud of you. Everyone deserves forgiveness Colin, we felt like we lost you. I just hope you are back now."

Anthony's voice was serious, but soft, he sounded older, wiser, just different.

"I am."

Colin reached over and patted his brother's shoulder,

"I want to be apart of Agatha's life, at least in some capacity."

Colin explained while looking in the direction of the small swing set in Anthony's yard.

"She's been a light for us all, if it wasn't for her, I'm not sure how we would have coped. She's pretty amazing."

Anthony grinned, Colin watched as his elder brother described his own flesh and blood. She was Colin's daughter, and he knew absolutely nothing about her.

That must change.

Later that day, Colin found himself outside Penelope's flower store again. He tried to peek through the windows to see if she was alone, and to his delight she was. Somehow, he couldn't find the strength to move from the spot. He watched as she danced about the store, singing, smiling, and arranging a sunflower bouquet. She looked happy; she looked like the old Pen...and not to mention she was beautiful.

As he finally gained the courage, he heard the bell ring above him, and she stopped instantly and turned towards him. She had her hair up in a ponytail with her curls floating down her back, she had on tight denim shorts, and a loose white blouse shirt with a square neck. He also noticed the necklace she was wearing, the same one he gifted her on her 16th birthday.


Flashback – Penelope's 16th Birthday.

"Colin, oh no... you didn't"

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