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Penelope stood outside her old school with a car seat in hand for Colin. She turned around and saw him causally walking towards her with his sunglasses on top of his head, and his newly found 'superstar swagger' Penelope couldn't help but let out a little laugh. He always had superior confidence even when they were younger, he used to say it was because 'she made him feel invincible' but it seemed he had managed to survive eight years without 'her presence', so that was obviously something else she could add to the lists of 'bullshit' for Colin Bridgerton.

"I'm not late..."

He said smugly as pointed to his watch. Penelope noticed how he checked her out and she felt herself get a little heated.

Snap out of it Featherington!

He smiled at her as he obviously some her inner argument happening in her head and then he pointed towards the car seat,

"... And what's that?"

Penelope raised her eyebrows... she was starting to second guess her decision,

"It's a car seat Colin."

He tipped his head up a little and pointed a finger to his chin,

"Ahhh yes, I forgot those little people need them."

Penelope shoved the car seat into his stomach and groaned at his teasing, she could of easily flipped him the bird if they weren't currently on school grounds.

"Are you going to be coming with us?"

Colin said as they both walked towards the school doors, but Penelope shook her head.

"I've got a thing."

She cleared her throat trying not to add to the tension,

"Ahh Mr W-Dankworth?"

Penelope gasped and slapped his arm,

"Colin! Don't."

He smiled faintly and nudged her with his arm,

"Well... eh, have fun."

Penelope gave a soft smile and pointed him towards the doors that Agatha would be coming out of very shortly. He seemed to listen, and Penelope made her way back towards her car, and as she walked away, she felt his eyes burning on her skin the whole time. She couldn't turn back, she couldn't look at him, because if she did... she'd stay.

But he was right, her 'thing' was with Harry.

She had planned to meet him for a coffee, and ultimately put a stop to things before they went any further between them. She couldn't string him along, and she was starting to feel awful about everything... I mean, she didn't think about him, she forgot to text him back (regularly), and somehow, he was still interested, surely, he must be mad...

She sat across from him nervously biting her lip,

"So I'm guessing this is a goodbye coffee."

He said sinking back into his chair after sipping at his latte. Penelope's eyes dropped to her americano, and she nodded.

"I'm really sorry Harry, I mean you're such an amazing person..."

Harry shook his head and cut her off,

"Penelope don't."

He cleared his throat and then raised his hands to show he wasn't finished yet,

"Please, don't give me 'you're amazing' speech, or the fact its 'you' and nothing to do with 'me. I should have known to chase after Colin Bridgerton's girl."

Penelope couldn't bring herself to look at him. She felt herself overcome with emotion, she didn't intend to hurt his feelings, she would never in her wildest dreams want to hurt anyone deliberately, she honestly never meant to lead him on in any capacity, after all they had been on less than ten dates, but I suppose, the promise of more was always insinuated...

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