I can't do that part.

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Penelope had agreed to meet Harry at 7pm at the local bistro, she had left Agatha with Eloise as they were cuddling up to watch Shrek for the five hundredth time of the month. The two of them were scarily alike, with their opinions, quick wit, and sense of humour. Penelope had considered that actually Eloise was a lot like Colin used to be, the Colin that Penelope fell in love with, however, Penelope would never dare say that in front of Eloise as she would strike her down in an instant. Penelope wasn't that brave.

When Harry had messaged her earlier to remind her of their impending dinner, she was actually going to cancel the date tonight, but Eloise physically pushed her into a dress and then out the door. Penelope had felt she had been unfair to Harry recently, he was a sweet guy, but she had so much gone on in her life, I mean, she had all this baggage constantly following her around in this town, and what guy wants to jump into bed with that?

Not that she wanted to sleep with Harry... She'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought about it, but now? Since Colin came back, she wasn't sure about anything anymore. How on earth could she do this with him constantly around... him who never ever left her thoughts.

She had managed to pull on a white long sleeved lace summer dress, it pulled in at her waist and floated out past her curves, the dress was a little short, but the summer had provided the heat so she wouldn't feel the cold tonight. She had straightened her hair, put on a little red lip, and paired the outfit with nude strappy sandals. She felt nice, not too dressed up, but it was perfect for a bistro dinner date. It was Eloise and Agatha that had whistled her out the door as the forced her to catwalk the hallway, they gave her that little boost confidence that she didn't realise she really needed.

She was determined to have fun tonight. So she told herself tonight was going to be enjoyable; she had hoped to forget the past few days just for a moment. Wine, that's what she needed, wine and decent conversation.

She pulled up to the restaurant and saw Harry standing outside, he had on his glasses, Penelope had always thought he looked handsome in them. He had on a blue linen shirt, along with beige trousers. He looked fit, Harry was always good-looking man, there was no denial there, but she never fully appreciated him until around a year ago, he had asked her out numerous times over the years, and she always felt guilty about turning him down, but between the shop, Agatha, and general life, she never had the time. But eventually, with Agatha getting a little older, and the fact that Agatha was beginning to develop a better social life than Penelope already when she was only seven... well it made Penelope take the leap into romance.

However, it just so happens that Colin Bridgerton must have some type of alarm that alerts him to Penelope's happiness as he managed to rush back and put a stop to her 'situationship' or whatever it was.

"Good evening gorgeous..."

Harry quickly reached her car door and held out his hand to help her down from her truck.

"Thank you, Harry."

She smiled and kissed his cheek softly,

"Shall we?"

He held out his arm and Penelope slid her hand into the crook of his elbow. He pulled her in a little closer as they crossed the road, and then he opened the door for her, he was a gentleman, but most men in this town were.


As they stepped into the bistro, Penelope heard her name being called from the floor, it was Daphne. Fuck, the joy of small towns, Penelope thought. She was sitting with two glasses of wine, obviously having dinner with someone, no doubt her mother or Benedict. Great, this won't be awkward Penelope thought. The Bridgerton's all knew about Harry, and they were supportive, but it was an awkward topic to talk about, as she was the girl who was always destined to be with their brother or son.

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