Cowboy Boots.

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Agatha was so excited all the drive home from his mother's house, he was sure she hadn't taken a breath. Her car seat had been transported from Anthony's car into his mother's as the convertible was still a no go, even though Colin did attempt to persuade her once more just before they left.

They pulled up to Penelope's and he watched her run up to her mother who was already on the porch. Penelope had on a small blue playsuit as the heat was becoming a little extreme tonight, he noticed how beautiful she looked just swinging on the porch swing with her knee curled up into her with a book. He used to love watching her for hours just reading and playing with a stray curl that she would twirl around her fingers. He used to watch her as he played his guitar or wrote melodies, she was his muse, his basis for music, well for everything really, she made his heart literally beat without pain, she was magical, there was no other word for it.

Penelope got up and ran towards Agatha and scooped her up in her arms,

"Oh baby I missed you."

As Penelope placed Agatha back down on her feet, Agatha ran straight back to him, and wrapped her arms around his waist,

"I had the best time with you Colin, can't wait to go guitar shopping tomorrow."

She smiled up at him, before she took her bag and ran into her house.

"Guitar shopping?"

Penelope closed the gap a little between them and raised her eyebrow at Colin.

He smirked,

"Did you know Agatha can play the guitar?"

He gestured towards the door where Agatha had just taken her leave, Penelope followed his gaze and sighed,

"Really? Agatha?"

She was almost taken aback by his statement. He wasn't sure if it was fear, pride, or happiness he saw flicker in her eyes at that very moment.

Or maybe it was a mixture of all it.

"She just picked up the guitar and started playing, it was like it was pouring out of her, it was like she had been playing her whole life."

Colin was pacing the steps in front of Penelope, he was excited at the prospect that him and Agatha finally had something to bond over, something to share, something to have for just them.

"Agatha can really play?"

He noticed Penelope wasn't looking at the door anymore, she was looking at him. So he took a step closer, and he could feel the reaction of her body, he could see it. Her skin pricked with pimples, and her breath shortened. He just simply nodded at her question as he couldn't form a word as simple as 'yes'.

"That's crazy."

Penelope didn't drop her gaze from him,

"I mean, I said to her I'd take her guitar shopping tomorrow after school, I mean if that's ok-k with you, like, I mean after school, you-you should come with us? Just until you are comfortable with me and Agatha spending time together."

Colin said clearly swallowing hard as he was now rambling like an idiot. His hands met the back of his neck ruffling his hair trying to distract from the mess of his whole demeanour in front of her.

"So, you, me and Agatha?"

Penelope's lips had curled at the right side into a little smirk at his nervousness.


Colin said while inching a little closer,

"Nothing is going to happen between us Colin."

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