Welcome Home.

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Colin got out his black SUV, he had somehow managed to bribe his driver to take him to his old hometown, Colin gave him a packet full of cash and threatened his job with keeping his mouth shut. He wanted to drop off the face the of the earth, just for a day or two.

He needed this.

Colin turned and stared at the church, the church he spent so much of his childhood in, the one where his mother would grace the parish every Sunday. He was nervous, thank God for his hip flask. He swigged a little whiskey, picked up his bag and made his way to the church steps. The place was full, the pews were lined with people paying their respects.

Colin wasn't surprised, Simon was some guy. Simon became easily integrated into the Bridgerton family as soon as he met Daphne through the eldest Bridgerton, Anthony. Even though Simon was more or less Anthony's age, they all hung out together, Ant, Ben, Colin, and Simon were practically inseparable. Colin and Simon had developed a close bond due to their 'double' dates over the years, him, Simon, Daphne, and Penelope had their own little squad. It would see them go to the movies, dinners, mini getaways, they had so many memories together. Memories that Colin cherished.

He glanced through the crowd's and saw Daphne.


His heart ached to see his younger sister standing with two kids who would barely remember their father, very much like the Bridgerton's brood.  It seemed history had a habit of repeating itself.

He tried to stay hidden out of sight on the steps, but after another swig he decided he'd make his way in. I mean, he wasn't dressed for a funeral, but he needed to wrap his arms around Daph. His grey t-shirt was the one he had on from yesterday, his jeans hung off his hips, and his boots had seen better days. He picked up his leather jacket, his bag, and as he went to move towards the door.... All of a sudden, he felt a figure rush into him. His hands acted on instinct and wrapped themselves around the figure's forearm to prevent them from falling backwards on the stairs.

They felt familiar.

That's when he felt it.

That's when he saw her.

Penelope Featherington, the love of his life standing there, it was like she had been frozen in time, she was still absolutely breath takingly beautiful. He glanced at her eyes, and his hands remained on her forearm, time stilled for those mere seconds when she was caught in his grasp. She murmured something under her breath, and broke free of his fingers. It wasn't until he glanced down and saw the young girl who was holding her hand he wondered if Penelope had moved on after all...

He watched Penelope usher the young girl into the hall, and squeeze along the pew's next to his family. She tucked her hair behind her ear and Colin could tell she was uncomfortable. This was the first time in 8 years they had laid eyes on one another. Little did she know, she was still the reason for all of his existence.

He saw his elder brother, Benedict wrap his arm around Penelope's back and pull her into him. This elicited a small growl from Colin, he had always had a protective streak in their relationship, something Penelope wasn't fond over, and he knew that he had no right to produce such a reaction, but he couldn't help it when it came to her.

He couldn't help any of his emotions when it came to her.

He watched the young girl jump on Benedict's lap and snuggle into him. He saw Penelope whisper something towards him, no doubt informing him of Colin's arrival. Benedict quickly snapped his head round and then Colin saw Benedict's jaw clench.


Colin collapsed back on the stairs and decided it was best if he stayed out here.

He listened to the service his mother put on, her way with words still affected him. He was so in awe of how his mother could cope with such pain and grief and find a slither of faith throughout it all.

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