Chapter Three

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Jenette's P.O.V

I sit in this desolate white room trying to think of a way to escape it. I want to get out of here. I NEED to get out of here. But how?

I have no money. I have no home to go back to, my parents will end up throwing me back in here and in all honesty?

I can't do this on my own.

I need help with this because I sure as hell am not staying another day in here. No way.

"Time for breakfast" Bob knocks at the door once and I'm taken to the cafeteria where I'm greeted by my three friends.

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" Ashley jumps up I'm excitement as she notices my figure approaching the table.

"Hey" I smile and take a seat across from her.

"Don't look now but guess who's staring at you longingly?" She giggles.

"Who? Justin Bieber? Man, I've always wanted him to look at me 'longingly'" I grin.

"Oh for heaven's sake! It's Luke you little shit!" She scolds.

"If I'm the little shit can you be the big one?"

"What am I going to do with you" she shakes her head at me but laughs nonetheless.

"You two are idiots" Maura states.

"Tell us something we don't know!" I laugh.

"Idiote" Mauro comments at our craziness.

"He has a point. I swear to god if I had somebody else to hang out with then I wouldn't be here" Maura jokes.

"That's a lie! You're the most social out of all of us!" Ashley points her finger calling her out on her lies.

"True, yet I surround myself with you" Maura shrugs.

"Bitch" I mumble.

"You love me though?" She pouts fluttering her eyes at us.

"Sadly I do. Which is very unfortunate" I answer.

She opens her mouth to protest but was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey Jenette, can we talk?"

I whip my head to find Luke with a nervous smile playing at his lips.
He takes my hand and pulls me to the other side of the cafeteria "I'm sorry you had to see me punch that guy. I'm not always this violent I swear " he jokes.

"No it's fine, I just hope you didn't get in trouble for it"

"Nah. It's all good...So I was wondering if you wanted to maybe sit with me and the guys at lunch today? Maybe dinner too if you want?" He offers.

I look across the room to find my three friends laughing at something Ashley had said. I can't just leave them and hang out with Luke and his friends. Can I?

"Your friends can join too" he adds after noticing how hesitant I was to agree to his invitation.

"Sure. Why not?"

Moments later breakfast time was over and I had to head back to my room. Doctor Maria and I have a session.
Our 'sessions' involve me talking about the nonsense that's been going on in my head while she takes notes of the random things I say and my behavior for the day. I know all of this because I asked her once and also...

She left her notebook in my room for a whole day by accident. I looked through it to find a lot of jotted notes and comments about the most random things. Sadly, nothing interesting was found.

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