Chapter Five

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Ashley's P.O.V
Breakfast today was far from eventful and the same thing goes to lunch. Today group therapy was cancelled because of Theresa being sick or something. We were now expected to simply talk to our usual doctors instead.

While Jenette got Doctor Maria and the twins got Doctor John Hamm I probably ended up getting the WORST of the worst when it comes to doctors.

Dr. Green.

Nobody ever asks for his first name. If they do he ignores their curiosity and doesn't answer them.

Dr. Green is a complete douche. He's got an ego bigger than all the planets in the solar system COMBINED and nobody really likes him or his personality.

"Hello there Ashley. I see you're still here" he says as he walks into my room.

"Where else would I be?" I snap.

"Well there. I see someone's being sassy"

Oh my god. I would take 5 hours of Theresa's blabbering about how we're all 'family' instead of just one more second with this guy.

"Okay. I am being sassy. So what?" I challenge.

"So can you NOT be sassy? I want to get this over with"

I glare it him and while I do so I realize that I need to do something.
Get the keycard. I must steal his keycard.I hate him. So I'll just steal HIS card instead of anyone else's. Besides, if I take it then he can't open the door to my room.

Right? Right.

I internally die because what I'm about to do is terrible and I really don't want to do this.
I have to seduce this middle aged man and while he isn't paying attention I can take the keycard.

Oh fuck my life.

"I don't know...I do like being sassy" I 'tease'.

Can we please get this humiliating moment over with?

I slowly get off my bed and approach Dr. Greens' figure that stands a couple of feet away from me.

I don't want to do this I DO NOT want to do this.

"Uhm. Ashley...What're you doing..?"
I stop in front of him and grin.

"Shhh (I raise my index finger to his lips) I'll do whatever you want me to"

Okay. Imagine this is Ashton. Just imagine it's Ashton and everything will be fine.


"I just want you to...Answer a couple of questions of mine..." He trails off unsure of what to do.

"I'll answer one of your questions if you answer one of mine" I offer.


"What's your first name Dr. Green? I do think calling you doctor all the time is too...formal"

"My name? Oh uh it's...Erm...uh..David"

"Interesting name...I love it. " I place my hand on his chest and slide it down until I've reached his coat's left pocket.

I slowly pull it out and stuff it into my pocket in a quick and swift motion.


"So what's your question?" I say going back to my normal attitude.
I skip back to my bed and sit down crossing my legs.

I probably seem bipolar right now but eh. I had to do what I had to do. This plan is important. Not only to me but the rest of the gang too.

Did I just refer to my friends and I as a 'gang'?

"Actually I have no questions for the day." He says as he lowers his notebook down to his crotch area. Why would he...?

Oh god.

Realization to what's going on just hit me like a truck on a freeway.
I just gave a middle aged man, who is my doctor, a boner.

This is hilarious.

"Oh are you sure? You seemed pretty intent on asking me a couple of things" I tease.

"No no. It's all good now" he says as he awkwardly shuffles out of the room with his notebook basically covering his dick.

As soon as he leaves me in this room alone I burst out laughing.

That was the best thing ever. Even if it was awkward as fuck and I regret ever putting my hands on him.

Ashton's P.O.V
We were all sitting around the table when Ashley suddenly barged into the cafeteria in hysterics. I wonder what got her so entertained?

"Hey Ashley!" I greet.

"H-hi...Ash...ton" she replies in between giggles.

"Jesus woman! Breath!" Jenette jokes.

"I got..The thing" she says as she takes a seat right. Next. To. Me.

My heart jumps as her leg brushes against mine.

"You look like you just breathed in a shit ton of laughing gas" Calum comments as he rubs his tired looking eyes.

"Got any sleep lately?" I ask.

"No. The nightmares are getting worse" he responds as he refers to the things that haunt him when he's supposed to be asleep.

Calum has a nightmare disorder medically known as parasomnia. He basically gets frequent nightmares whenever he sleeps, so his solution is to just avoid going to sleep for as long as he can.
He started getting the terrible nightmares when he was 12 and got them almost every single night since then. It also becomes progressively worse.

"Okay so what's so funny about you getting a damned keycard?" Michael questions.

"THE WAY I GOT IT!" She goes back into another wave of laughter and we all just look at her confused.

"I Green"She says between all her constant laughs which is like music to my ears.

"Wait what? SEDUCE?" I snap.

"Yes! And he got a boner too!" Now the whole table was in hysterics too but I was NOT amused.

"Did you...Touch him..?" I trail off.
I don't want her delicate hands on any middle aged man that probably smells like diapers.


"Not really! I literally only put my hand on his chest to take the keycard and he was already going wild!"

I relax my muscles and lean back into my chair, grateful that nothing serious happened.

Jenette's P.O.V
Ashley decided it was best if I kept the keycard and the others agreed. Mostly because I was the least to cause trouble out of all of them. Also, if she had kept it and was suspected to have stolen it they wouldn't find it if they searched her.
So that was a smart move on our part.
By the end of the day I was extremely tired. Although I TRIED to stay up so I can work on the plan in progress, I was just too exhausted.
They're all depending on me. We're all depending on each other to successfully get out of here.
I sure hope we do this right or else we could be stuck here forever.

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