Chapter Twenty

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Maura's P.O.V
"We can't have dinner tonight" I tell Calum as soon as it's lunch time.

"Why not?"

"Ashley just died. A date tonight doesn't seem suitable" I frown.

"You're right" he nods in agreement.

"I'm sorry. It'll happen when things calm down for a bit" I smile sadly.

"It's okay" he hugs me and we walk to the VERY silent table.

Jenette's P.O.V

"Okay listen up everyone. We aren't waiting up any longer. Staying here means being surrounded by memories of Ashley. I don't want to think about all that. So, we have everything planned out. We just need a way to sneak into the security room, use the sleeping serum, and shut all cameras off and open each of our doors" I command.

I'm not staying here any longer than I have to. No way in hell am I going to sit around here surrounded by everything Ashley and I shared.

"Tomorrow at 10 when all the lights are off I tell the guards that I need to take a piss and I can sneak into the security room. Jenette, I'll need the keycard, give it to me at dinner tonight" Michael says.

"Alright, but you don't know how to use the needle for the sleeping serum. How can you drug the guard that's inside the security room?" I ask.

"I know how to use them. The nurses showed me so I can do it to myself every night to sleep" Calum states.

"Okay that's good. Now let's recap the plan. First Michael and Calum meet up at the bathroom, then they sneak out to the security room, use the keycard to open the door and drug the guard. Michael does his tech magic to unlock all of our doors, and finally we all meet at the main exit" I announce.

"We need a vehicle and a place to stay" Ashton speaks up quietly.

"I can hot-wire a car" Luke shrugs.

"We can stay at a motel. I know a guy that owes me" Maura grins.

"So tomorrow, It's happening. Any final thoughts?" I question.

"Ashley would've been proud of you" Calum mumbles.

"Thank you but don't mention her again" I turn my head blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall.

Stupid Calum and his comments. I don't want to think about Ashley anymore. She's gone. She left and she never bothered...Never bothered to tell say goodbye.

I don't even remember the last thing I told her.

Later that day I had an appointment with Doctor Maria. Hopefully the last one.

"When's your escape?" She asks.

"Why do you want to know?" I fire back.

I am NOT in the mood for her nosy questions.

"Because you probably need a car and I can give you my car keys"

"Luke can Hotwire a car. It's fine"

"Yes but just incase, here. Have it, I own another car anyways" she hands me a key and I stuff it inside my pocket.

"Thanks but what's in it for you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You deserve to get out of here" she shrugs.

"So you don't mind if I leave without helping that Anthony Evans guy?"

"Through all 3 years that I've tried to help you I've learned that you're a very stubborn person" she shrugs again.

"You're not going to try to stop me" I state.

"Jenette. Just trust me, I'm not stopping you from anything. I never have"

And I believed her because the both of us don't lie to each other.

"Remember Jenette. We had a deal to not lie to one another, and I'm not lying"

"You better not"

She leaves and I sit alone in silence.

I miss Ashley.

I miss her so much.
I remember how we first met as if it happened yesterday.


"Is this seat taken?" A blonde girl asks as she stands next to the table I usually sit at. Alone.

"Depends" I shrug.

"Well either way I'm sitting" she plops down right next to me and starts eating from her tray of food.
"Oh sorry, how rude, I'm Ashley" she chuckles.

"I'm Jenette"

"You're new here aren't you?" She tilts her head gazing at me intently as if she could tell if I was new here or not by looking at me.

"Yes" I mumble.

"Don't worry. I'll show you all the ropes. It's not tough surviving here" she smiles kindly at me.

"I don't like this place" I sigh.

"Me too. It's like I'm alive but not really"

-flashback over-

I miss her so much. I miss how she'd always wear oversized clothes because she hated exposing a lot of herself, I miss how she always tried to lighten up the mood with an awkward chuckle, I miss how when she smiles it's as if the whole room lit up.

I just miss her.

But I'm leaving soon. I will.

Things will get better soon. They have to.

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