Chapter Ten

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Jenette's P.O.V

Breakfast this morning was something I wasn't looking forward to because I was up all night yesterday thinking of a plan. Thankfully the night didn't go to waste due to the fact that I had a bit of it sorted out.

Just a bit, which frustrates me. It's been ages since we had all agreed to get the hell out of here but still no actual way of leaving. WHICH SUCKS.

Everyone's depending on me to come up with a way to escape and that isn't fair. Not one teeny bit of it was fair.

I did NOT ask to be put as the 'leader' per say. Yet here I am.

"So have you come up with anything?" I was asked immediately when I approached the table everyone was sitting at.

"A bit" I frown. JUST A BIT.

When will this bit become a full plan? I have no clue. I don't care at this point. I just want to get the hell out of here.

"We need pills" I state.

Calum tenses up and I instantly take notice of that. Why would he tense up at the mention of something like pills?

"Why pills?" Ashley asks.

"Well Luke is bipolar, he needs the bipolar pills. Michael needs the antipsychotic pills, and Calum needs his sleeping pills. We need them so that when we escape they can still take their medication"

"Well how do we get them?" Maura questions.

"Not really gonna 'get' them. We're stealing them. Not we though, you are" I shrug.

"Me? Why me?"

"I thought about this for ages and it clicked. Your wing is also the same wing where the pharmacy is located. Mauro will have to complain about a headache or something and get dragged there. You tell them that his headache has also been transferred to you too because of some magic twin shit.

"So, you tell the doctor to examine him since he caused your headache. She'll have to comply because we're in a mental asylum. She thinks you're insane and that it will help if she examines him.

"The doc will be distracted and so you have to be sneaky but, there's this white cabinet you NEED to grab 3 cases of antipsychotic medication, 3 small boxes of sleeping pills, and 4 cases of the bipolar pills. Slip this into the pocket of your pants. Be careful they could show. Then bring them and Ashton will hide them with him" I explain.

"That sounds dangerous" Michael wraps an arm around Mauro protectively.

"It has to be done. We can't leave this place and put you at risk"

"She has a point" Ashton agrees.

"Well what's the plan after that?" Calum asks.

"Well...That's the thing. I'm trying to figure out a way we can turn off the cameras and security system when it's time to escape. We also will need supplies..."

I think about telling them about what I've heard about electroshock therapy and memory loss but I can't right now. We barely have anything planned out and it'll just get in the way.

But what about whoever is suffering?

"I'm pretty good with technology I might be able to help there. But we'll have to do something about the guards" Michael says.

"Sleeping serum" Calum speaks up. "Drug them. There's this needle with a serum in it that put you straight to sleep. We could use it on the guard. While they're grabbing the medication, Maura can take a bit of that serum if she finds it. A needle too"

"How about the supplies?" Ashton speaks up.

"We can get some money from the bank account my parents left me. Buy whatever we need. Again, we already mentioned this" Calum grins.

"Seems like a plan. Or at least most of it. We'll discuss this again soon" I announce.

Maura's P.O.V

While everyone slipped into conversations of their own I kept my eye on Michael.

Michael Clifford.

He's up to no good. Calum already told me Michael is straight yet he asks my brother out? AND they're in a relationship now?

He's doing this to mess with my brother. I can't believe the sleaze ball would do such a thing. He's lying to my brother. Toying with his heart.

I can't let this happen. I just can't. Not when Mauro has always cared for me. I lied to him, sure. But I didn't know this would happen. I NEVER imagined it would.

"Why are you glaring at Michael like you're about to hit him repeatedly as if he was a piñata and you were handed a stick?" Jenette asks me.

"I'm not glaring" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Tell me what's going on" Jenette presses on.

"Not going to"

"You Italians are so stubborn. I ask Mauro about his date and he doesn't tell me. I ask you about your hatred for his now boyfriend -I cringe as she says the word boyfriend- but you don't provide me with an answer. Stubborn lot aren't you?" She grins.

"See you at group therapy Jenette"

Later on that day when it was, in fact, time for group therapy I was about to take my usual seat next to Mauro to find it already preoccupied by Michael.

"This is my spot..." I trail off.

"Sorry Maura but I figured you wouldn't mind me stealing your brother" Michael puts his arm around his boyfriend and kisses the top of his head.

He's going to break my brother's heart. I know it. It's all his fault Mauro will end up shattered.

I march off and take the seat Michael usually sits on. I look to my left to find Calum.

Great. The idiot that told me about Michael being straight. Just who I wanted to bump into.

"Hey Maura!" He greets with a friendly smile.

Goddamn that stupid friendly smile on his stupid face.

It isn't Michael's fault...IT'S CALUM'S! He told me about Michael! He's the reason I lied and got Mauro thinking he has a chance!


"Don't talk to me" I turn my head away from the confused boy and wait for Doctor Theresa to show up already.

"W-why don't you want me to t-talk to you? I-I love talking to you" his voice shakes a bit and I turn back to find his eyes welling up with tears.

Oh no. He looks like a sad puppy.

I love puppies...

"Cal I'm sorry" I reach over and hug him. I don't ever want to see that look on his face again. I CAN'T see that look on his face again. It's heart-wrenching.

"It's fine" he mumbles as I rub his back soothingly.

"You seem tired" I murmur.

"I am, I haven't been sleeping well" he replies.

"If you want you can rest your head on my lap and take a nap. Doctor Theresa is always late and she probably wouldn't mind you sleeping"

He lays his head on my lap and I run my fingers through his black hair.

"Get some rest okay?" I look down to find him fast asleep.

Why was I mad at him again?

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