Chapter Sixteen

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Maura's P.O.V

I look across the idiot that I've been left with and cross my arms.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" I glare at him.

"I'm sorry. I actually really am, but I didn't know that it would effect you and Mauro so badly. I know how close you two are and as soon as I knew I was wrong, that Michael isn't straight, I should've told you. Instead, I let you stay with wrong information"

"You should've but you didn't, which is why we're here" I sigh.

"And I apologized. I will again if I have to! I'm sor-"

"You don't have to. It's okay" I interrupt.

"I'm also sorry I uh...You know...Kissed you instead of try to help..." He trailed off.

"Well I didn't try to stop you did I?" A wide grin spreads across my face.

"You didn't...Why didn't you?" He questions.

"Because maybe I wanted you to kiss me"

"Do you want me to kiss you again?" He smirks.

"I don't know if I want a liars' lips on mine" I joke.

"You didn't mind the first time....Or the second, or the time my lips were on your neck and when they were-"

"Oh kiss me you fool" I yank him closer to me and we collide into one.

"You taste like heaven" Calum murmurs against my lips.

"You know what else tastes like heaven?" I ask.

"What?" He moans lightly.

"THE CAFETERIA'S FOOD!" I grab a chunk of the mashed potatoes and stuff it into his mouth.

"DAMMIT MAURA!" He spits the food and tries to grab me again.

"Revenge" I say pecking his soft lips.

"Tease. Such a tease and I know just what to do with you. Just wait" his eyes sparkle as he reaches for my waist and pulls me close.

"Oh really? And what is it that you want to do?"

"Kiss you" he leans in and smashes mash potatoes on my face.

"Oh I see how it is Hood" I wipe off the food on my face and smack it onto his.

"Food fight" he whispers in my ear and throws whatever gooey substance was on his plate onto my chest.

"Really Calum? My boobs?"

"Well I mean...Why not?" He smirks staring at the mess he created.

"Two can play that game" I snatch something off my plate and smear it onto his crotch.

"Lovely" he rolls his eyes.

"I know" I smile.

"I can't keep my eyes off you or your gooey chest"

"I'd say the same but I can DEFINITELY keep my eyes off that mess of a dick" I giggle.

"Nothing ever pleases you" he groans.

"Your tongue does" I joke.

"The things it can do that'll please you...You can only imagine what both my tongue and I can do to you" He winks.

"Well that escalated quickly didn't it?"

"You ruined the moment" he groans.

"Well you couldn't have done anything anyways. We're in the cafeteria" I shrug.

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