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The cross-provincial bus took me and other passengers from Carlsbad to San Francisco

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The cross-provincial bus took me and other passengers from Carlsbad to San Francisco. There is nothing special about this tiring journey. Along the way, my eyes were filled with views of expanses of oil palm plantations on the left and right sides of the road.

It's not just the view outside that is boring, but inside the bus too. Just imagine I had to be trapped for 10h 15m next to the same person-a young mother with a very noisy baby.

As someone who doesn't really like babies, I was really, really tormented. The sound of a baby's crying that only stopped when she was sleeping really made me almost crazy. Several times I clicked loudly on purpose to make the mother aware that I, and perhaps other passengers too, were disturbed by the sound of her baby crying.

Please do anything to make your baby stop crying!

" Sorry "

The woman next to me spoke to me after 10 hours of travel. Coincidentally the baby was sleeping.

I, who don't really like interacting with strangers, tried to smile friendly.

" It's okay. "

"My baby is bothering you, isn't it? Sorry, Usually she's not fussy. But since she hasn't seen her dad for a few days, she's been fussy and has had a fever too."

I started to become interested in chatting with the woman because she mentioned 'Dad'. I don't know why I'm always interested and curious to hear stories about children and their fathers.

"Where is her dad?" I asked.

"That's normal, It's a man's disease."

My forehead furrowed. The position of my legs slowly pointing towards her shows interest in the conversation.

"What do you mean ?"

"Women. Men, when they have money, keep getting carried away with young women, and immediately forget about their wives and children." She said. Her face is sad. She looked at her daughter's sleeping face with pity.

I took a deep breath. I saw the innocent face of that innocent baby. I feel like I saw myself 20 years ago. Maybe my mother also felt the same way as this woman.

"So where are you going ?" I asked sympathetically.

If I looked at her thin, unkempt body and her clothing style which was older than her age, I guessed that this woman's economy was the same as mine. Difficult!

"I want to follow her dad to San Francisco."

"Why did you follow him, ? Didn't he leave you and your baby for another woman?" I asked in surprise.

She smiled bitterly. "You'll understand when you become a mother . You can survive as long as your child can be close to her father."

I can only nod my head. Because I'm not a mother yet, I don't dare say much. But if I were in her position who was betrayed by her husband, then I wouldn't want to follow him and beg for his love.

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