Mine doctor.

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Seokmin pov.

Seungcheol won't let me go and that was totally fine until a call from hospital came" okay. I will be there in fifteen minutes." I said as I hung up on call and pushed seungcheol from me. One of my patient had some critical condition and I had to be there in minutes or little.

 " You are going hospital that much early?" Seungcheol said with a husky voice ,I nodded while I brushed my teeth and tried to get my coat and stethoscope ready. It's hard being doctor,I was called at hospital during seungkwan's wedding despite of me being on leave. 

And now middle of morning sex.

" I have to one of patient had some complications." I said as I wore pants and seungcheol's shirt too big on me but I don't have any choice. I am on leave for today , anyways no leave for doctors. " Should I drop you?" Seungcheol asked, I don't want to bother him at all but he can do one thing for me instead of dropping me" order me brunch at hospital. You know the address, right?" 

He nodded and I left with my stethoscope around me and light perfume,does not want to trigger anyone's asthma just because I didn't take bath and smell like cum. Perfume can be harsh for patient and they can have asthma attack. I called cab and get in when cab arrived near seungcheol's apartment building. He has big penthouse in downtown,near to his office. He is hard working and kind but good at saying " No" unlike me. 

" We are at City hospital." Driver said when we reached at hospital where I work, I have been residence here and now I am senior doctor here, I have come so far . Mom would have been proud of me and wonwoo. She never told us to be something,she just wanted us to live to fullest,doing whatever we want not overthinking about what world will think if I do that or this.

She had lived her life but betrayed by my dad ,who never told her he is already married to a woman, a daughter of some rich buisness man to get his buisness of track and after she found that she had left dad. She is independent woman just in too much love with my dad . Love sucks though.

" Here, your money." I said giving him thirty dollar, little extra money but money have never ever been my problem, my dad has lot of money and more than that I earn too much as a doctor.

" Keep the rest of money. Have a nice day!" I cheered and driver smiled the brightest,I love making everyone laugh ,smile and more over happy.I can atleast make them happy for a minute,  I can't solve there problem but atleast I can take their mind of off the problem even if for spilt of second.

" what happened?"  I asked as I went into my cabin and see the residency of cardio is already there standing with file of patient, he is good student learning fast enough but when the case is complicated residency isn't allow to handle it. " Doctor Lee, I have given him anti- platelet rivaroxaban but it didn't seem to be working on his blood clotting and he also having Arrhythmias." He said, the patient had a surgery recently and his attending doctor might be not here because I didn't do surgery on him.

I would have said no and some other cardiologist have checked him but I don't have heart to say no.

" Let me check , he might be allergic to rivaroxaban." I said as he became more nervous than he was before, it's not his fault he had joined just a last week I guess, studying and practicing is very different thing . 

" Give him heparin instead," I said closing the file of patient and handing out heparin to residency " two ml only for now and he will be fine if not then we have to take his bood samples for platelet count." I said as I take seat in chair it say 11 in the morning, eunchae might be going to school with wonwoo or maybe Vernon. This two are responsible for him dropping to school and picking her up. She is baby of the family.

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