Part 34: The Ringmaster and The Clown

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Ananya's POV

As much as I hated to admit it, I had used up almost all of my pills in that 1 year stock and only 1 week worth of pills were remaining and I couldn't use them up, it was an Indian instinct which told me that I would need them later some day.

Everyday in the last month I would tell myself to stop, tell myself that I would be fine without those pills but the night would end up with me swallowing five to six of those pills promising myself I would stop from the next day.

Me using up those pills had the worst timing ever possible in the human history because I had moved into Sahil's room just yesterday and his parents were here for two weeks.

I couldn't go on all depressed mode in front of them and so I had to act normal around them which meant I only had one option left, I had to get those pills by hook or by crook which meant telling Meera to call those stores to stock them and thus would also take around five days' time.

Shit. I'm losing my edge.

I should have anticipated this and called Meera sooner, now I really was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Hey Ananya, how are you doing?", Meera responded.

"I'm okay. You know na?", I replied.

"Yeah, I heard about Vedant. I was going to call you but I thought that you would be busy and then I forgot."

"Yeah okay, it's fine."

"So....any particular reason you would call?", she questioned.

" I mean yes. I mean how's Sheela aunty?", I replied.

"Sheela aunty is completely fine. Though I don't think you are if you called me from NYC just to ask me how my mom was.", she said, her tone edged with a suspicion.

"No, I'm fine. I..I just wanted to let you know about something.", I said.

"Okay, go ahead.", she said.

"I..I've run out of my pills.", I let out.

Wait, what? That was the worst way anyone should say that.

"Ananya, what? Say that again.". Meera replied.

"Di I've been taking more than I should, and now I'm down to my last week's supply.", I admitted.

There was a pause on the other end of the line, followed by a sharp intake of breath. "Ananya, do you realize what you've done?" Meera's voice was stern, her disappointment could be felt even through the phone.

"I know, di, I know," I pleaded, desperation creeping into my tone. "I messed up, and I'm sorry. I just... I couldn't help myself."

Meera let out a heavy sigh, her tone softening slightly. "Ananya, you know better than anyone how important it is to stick to your prescribed dosage," she scolded, her words a harsh reminder of my own failings.

Okay maybe I did anticipate this but just didn't want to get that scolding from Meera but here I was, getting just that.

The blasted Murphy's Law.

"I know, Meera, I know," I repeated, my voice filled with shame. "I just... I don't know what came over me."

"Ananya, I can't believe you've let it come to this," Meera's voice was laced with disappointment as she scolded me. "Using up your prescriptions like that, relying on them to get through each day—it's not healthy, Ananya. You're on the verge of becoming dependent, if you're not already."

I felt a lump form in my throat as guilt washed over me. "I know, Meera, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Sorry won't cut it this time, Ananya," Meera continued sternly. "You need to take responsibility for your actions. You called me to have me grant a refill, right?"

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