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Charles knight~

As usually I was working continuously on laptop while sipping my cappuccino.

Today I'm having meeting with WHITE ARCHITECTURE whose CEO is my fiance Eveline white, and I have heard that there one more company will be present that is RENCHO ARCHITECTURE whose CEO is Mr. Smith goblet,
That freaking bastard... Smith is always so jealous kinda person from everyone's success, he is back on his track again!.

I still remember the time when I and his company first time does Collab and that motherfucker did some nasty tricks to gain less profit, well he didn't succeed because before he can I just caught him and sended to police, but again he is back. I hate him, and if he is thinking he will collaborate with white architecture, I will never let him..and I know I'm gonna reject this deal with him because I don't want any another harm given to my company.

I will surely suggest Eveline to not collaborate with him, because he is bastard..A freaking fucking bastard...


I was now going in meeting room, guide by Ms. Maria koven, who claim to be eveline assistant I saw her earlier too. She is wearing black shirt and white pant with black heel, high pony and files in her hand, light makeup. God!! Glad to know she isn't like those clingy assistant's of company's CEO. She has perfect brown eyes, and I can see her focus is on leading me to meeting room not like checking me out or doing some slutty things.

I was going in her guidance and watching beautiful architecture company, no doubt Eveline manage this big company so good, black and white walls with X golden designs, and white floor with black strips, huge big glass windows giving massive view, perfect architecture company.

Ms. Maria stopped infront of big golden door and their it was written 'Meeting room'. She faced me managing the distance between me and her and said, 'Mr. Knight, this is the meeting room before you enter I would like to tell you that Mam will be here in few minutes and Rencho company CEO is already sitting so, till then you can talk to him, thank you'. She said and opened the door for me and I stepped inside, nodding at what she said.

There, I saw fucking Smith goblet, well I don't care I'm just here for the meeting. Wait! What just I saw??, Alina?....(Charles ex).

She is dating many guys at the same time isn't it? Oh! I forgot, this is sluts usual work actually.

Mr. Smith approached me, 'Nice to meet you again Mr. Charles knight'. He said while forwarding his hand to shook with mine.

I need to do formal duties.

'Not nice to meet you, Mr. Smith'. I said and shook hand with him.

He laughed and said, 'Oh! You didn't changed, as expected'.

'I don't want to be changed', I said.

'Well meet my girlfriend Alina Carson and manager of the company'. He said and I looked at her with my icy eyes.

I nodded and she said 'Oh! Hey! Nice to meet you', in a dramatic way and forwarded her hand for handshake.

Fucking me, I didn't shook instead I said 'Hi, nice to meet you too and I don't like to handshake at all'. I said I can sense her glaring at me, My fucking ex, and I can't believe once I loved her.

Click sound was heard indicating door has been opened and I look back to see Eveline.

She was looking beautiful, our eyes met and a smile on her lips was there but she was so smart to vanish it, but I already caught her smiling.

We all settled down and meeting begins.


'I don't like the idea, and I won't be collaborating with the Rencho company'. I said and stand up from my seat.

'But I will, I like the idea'. Eveline said and I looked at her, is she out of her mind she like the idea ok, it is good but is she not aware about the incident of my company? Strange, because half of the population of world was knowing.

I just stared at her.

'Oh! Glad to know you liked it Ms. Eveline white'. Smith said, and they began to talk and I was just sipping coffee.

Coffee is good!.

While I was sitting and sipping my coffee, I saw Alina coming towards me, she sat on the long table of the meeting room exposing her thighs, well I'm not interested.

'Hey baby, missed me?' she said in her dramatic voice leaning down a bit, exposing her chest area.

'not even in my dreams'.

'oh! Common lier, baby! Let's have some fun'.

'Have fun with your new bf'.

'Ah! He can't ride me the way your dick can'.

'My dick is not for you, whore'.

'oh common, I know you miss me, let's go to the hotel and have some fun baby!' she said and was about to put her hand on my shoulder, just then Eveline voice was heard.

'Don't you dare to touch him', she said in her cold voice.

'and who are you? To tell me what to do and what not?' Alina said.

'Firstly right now you are in my company and second get down from my table'.

'baby! Let's go', Smith voice was heard.

'Yes baby coming'. Alina said and glared at me.

'Mr. Smith, I would like to say that it will be better if your girlfriend will not eye on other's men'. Eveline said in her cold voice that can give everyone chill.

'Y-yes sure'. Smith said and left.

Eveline didn't even looked at me and started going, I held her and flipped her to look at me.

'Are you ignoring me?', I said and in my cold voice.

'And why do you care? Go enjoy with that gf of Mr. Smith'. She said and rolled her eyes.

'Don't ever role your eyes on me, ocean and I don't care about other girls'. I said grabbing her jaw.

'I don't take orders', she said looking straight in my eyes.

Fuck! Her audacity! I love it and hate it at same time!

I love it because no one ever dare to look in my eyes, but this women do which is so rare, and I hate it because I don't like the happiness when she look at me.

I bend down a bit and spoke near her ear.

'But you will, mine, ocean', and with that I released her from my grip and walked towards the door.



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