Under The Sea🐠

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⚠️Daddy kink(if you squint) slight bimbofication, Finger sucking, slight mention of blood(bloody lip/Bleeding arm/bleeding tail). Condescending. Degradation. Breeding. Virginity loss. Slapping. Emotional.⚠️

"Merina! Come on, We're late for the ceremony!" I giggled hearing my older sister Quinta scolding my other older sister.

Unlike Merina I was smart enough to hide from Quinta. Merina groaned and tried to swim away but Quinta was always faster.

Her tail was stronger, due to years of competing in the sea games.

Which is why I always hid from her. She may be a strong swimmer, but she'd never find me. Being the youngest I had the most skill when it came to being invisible.

Strange right? The youngest being the one that everyone ignores.

"PLEASE QUINTA! I get so bored watching the merman fight and dance! It's the same thing every year!" Merina pleaded as Quinta pulled her along.

"Hush up. Father is already on edge. We can't find Zacarai. And you won't cause any more mischief!" Quinta snapped. Merina sighed as she followed behind Quinta without a word.

I swam out from under the bed and smirked.

I was not going to sit through the ceremony. I didn't want too.

I want too go up to the surface. Where the people are.

I've heard so many stories from travelers.

You see, we aren't like normal mermaids. We have the ability to change our tail into legs. We're one of few kingdoms that have this ability.

We have a team of mermen who go up to the lands and learn new things. They bring little trinkets back with them sometimes.

"zacarai" I heard someone whisper my name. I swam out of the window and looked around.

"Come out where ever you are" I said smiling.

I knew it was Tantor. He was a shark. A tiny one at that.

He swam out from under a sea bed of flowers and rounded my tail.

"I heard your father tell some guards to look for you. Maybe you should go-" I laughed and shook my head.

"I wouldn't bother. Come on Tantor. Don't you wish to see the surface?" I asked as I swam past him.

"I'm a shark! They'd turn me into SEA FOOD!" I giggled and shook my head.

"I suppose" I mumbled as I swam past a school of fish.

I love it here. It was home.

But I wanted to see everything. I know there's more to life than water and ceremony's. There has too be.

"I can't come along with you on this one. My mother is calling" Tantor said before he quickly swam away.

I sighed seeing my only real friend vanish into the vast sea. I most likely wouldn't see him for a few days. His family was very strict.

Mostly because he was so small.

"PRINCESS!" I frowned hearing one of our royal guards.

Miko. His family had been serving as our royal guards for years. And he was as loyal as a seadog.

"Miko. How are ya?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

He glared at me, his chest puffed out and his dark blue tail straight.

He's pissed.

"Come. Now!" Bossy.

"Catch me" I said before I attempted to swim away.

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