7: Sentinel vs. the Baku Squad

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After the final bell rang, signaling the end of another day at U.A. High, the members of the Baku Squad gathered near the exit of the classroom. Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugo stood in a tight-knit group, exchanging determined looks.

Ashido's excitement bubbled over as she addressed the group. "Hey, guys, you know what we need? Some extra training to dominate at the sports festival!"

Kaminari's eyes sparked with enthusiasm. "Absolutely! I want to show off some seriously shocking moves!"

Kirishima clenched his fists, his determination evident. "Count me in! I won't settle for anything less than smashing through the competition!"

Sero adjusted his uniform's tie, his voice calm and collected. "Extra training sounds like a good plan. I want to fine-tune my techniques and come out on top."

All eyes turned to Bakugo, who crossed his arms and scowled. "Tch, I don't need any stupid extra training. I'm already leagues ahead of everyone else."

Ashido shot him a playful glare. "Come on, Bakugo, don't be so stubborn. We could all use a bit of extra practice to make sure we crush the competition."

Bakugo grumbled under his breath but begrudgingly nodded. "Fine, whatever. But it better not be a waste of my time."

They exchanged glances, silently deliberating on who to approach for extra training.

"What about All Might?" Kirishima suggested, scratching his head. "Maybe we could ask him?"

Kaminari shook his head. "He's probably swamped with hero stuff. We need someone who can focus on us."

Ashido tapped her chin thoughtfully. "What about Sentinel-sensei? He's a hero and a teacher. Plus, he said if we ever need help, we could go to his office."

Sero nodded in agreement. "Sentinel-sensei could definitely help us polish our skills. And he's right here at UA, so he's more accessible than other pros."

Bakugo folded his arms, a scowl forming on his face. "Fine, we'll go bug Sentinel. But he better not waste our time."

With their resolve set, the BakuSquad made their way to Yaze's office. As the they entered Yaze's office, they found him at his desk, his intense gaze fixed on them. His glowing red eyes shimmered with curiosity as they approached.

"Hey, Sentinel-sensei," Ashido chirped, her voice filled with energy, her pink hair bouncing with each step as she walked in. "We were thinking... could you help us out with some extra training? You know, to get ready for the sports festival?"

Yaze's eyes flickered with interest as he regarded the group before him. "Extra training, you say? I'd be happy to assist. But first, tell me, what specifically do you hope to achieve?"

Kaminari stepped forward, his expression eager. "I want to work on controlling my quirk better, you know? I keep zapping myself whenever I overdo it."

Yaze nodded, his eyes alight with understanding. "Control is key. We'll focus on honing your control and building your endurance."

Kirishima flexed his muscles, a determined gleam in his eyes. "I want to toughen up, become even stronger! I won't let anything break through my defenses!"

Sero stepped forward, his tone measured. "I'm aiming to refine my techniques, make them more versatile. I want to be ready for anything the festival throws at me."

Ashido bounced on her heels, punching the air. "As for me... well, I've been thinking about how I can make my Acid more versatile in fights. I'm pretty nimble already, but I want to pack more punch with my attacks."

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