Chapter 1

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"The most dangerous enemy is not the one who lingers behind you in the shadows, but the one who walks beside you as a friend." - Bianca Scardoni

The golden-haired boy ran as fast as he could through the trees. Extending all around him were perfect rows of trees surrounding the city Elmsk. Laid out long ago by order of the king, the forest served as a natural barrier against their enemies in the Kingdom of Iseron to the south.

The sound of twigs snapping underfoot reverberated in his ears as he ran. Startled by the noise, five meryx with dual-biforked antlers looked up before bounding away in several directions. Unbothered by their presence, the teen continued running, knowing they wouldn't harm him.

Lungs burning from exertion, he looked back at the raven-haired boy in close pursuit. A gust of wind swept through the trees, driving him to the left. Distracted, he reacted too slowly, and his left arm and shoulder collided with a large tree. The impact sent him sprawling as his arms shot out, trying to break his fall.

The initial impact knocked the wind out of him. He fell back and rolled several times before coming to a stop. The boy following him shouted his name, tinged with fear.


He lay on the ground, struggling to recall how to breathe. His eyes watered as he felt his lungs demanding air. As tears of pain and fear fell from his eyes, he felt the calming hand of his friend press down against his shoulder, comforting him.

Minutes passed before his breathing steadied as long-desired oxygen returned. The onset of pain deep in his shoulder came to the front of his mind as he no longer struggled to breathe. Rubbing at his shoulder, he offered his best friend a pained smile.

The beautiful smile he loved to marvel at blossomed across his friend's face. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," Emryk said, his smile reaching his eyes as his gaze met the glimmering brown orbs of his friend. "My arm's just a little sore."

A devilish smile grew on his friend's face. Before he could object, they were rolling around on the ground, spinning over each other. Dirt stained their light tunics, and twigs were crushed beneath them.

The sound of their laughter grew as Emryk forgot the pain from just moments ago. Beyond them, the five meryx drifted back, grazing along the forest floor, their gazes lingering on the tussling boys.

As he always intended, Emryk ended up beneath the boy he had loved for his entire life. Time slowed to a halt as he studied each tiny freckle on the face above him. His breath caught when their lips grazed.

He whispered, hoping to be ignored, "It's not safe here, Aly."

The growing crinkle beside Aly's eyes acknowledged the secret longing. "I don't care, Emy, no one's around," Aly said.

Emryk looked around to see the animals grazing and watching. They were no danger to them. As he looked up, his friend's mouth moved slightly. "Just meryx. They won't tattle."

He felt he was in heaven as their lips met. The world was perfect again. If only they could be open with the town and be their true selves.

As his friend pulled away, his mouth tried to follow. Laughing at him, his shoulders were pressed back to the ground, keeping his mouth away. "It's too risky here. That is what you said, right?" his friend asked, teasing him.

All Emryk could do was nod. With that, he felt Aly push off him as he took off. Emryk let his head tilt back as his gaze followed that of his lover.

"Amorius, I love him. Please change the laws so we can be together," Emryk whispered to the blowing wind above him.

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