Chapter 2

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Sixteen years ago, to the day, the people of Upper and Lower Elmsk were attending to their daily lives. It was the day before Rozsada Festyn. Most of those moving about were preparing for that.

Over the next few days, all hands would be in the gardens planting seeds. They needed to make sure they planted enough for everyone to have food for the entire year. Since the kids would work hard over the next few days, the adults let the youngest run around and do what they wanted for the few days before. This also kept them out of the way while everything was prepared.

While most in town were doing this, the Gwardia Miasta, or town guards, were patrolling the walls. They also served as the town's police, not that there was any crime here. Mostly it was misbehaving kids and they let their parents handle that.

Even though they bordered with the Indecent Falls and the Kingdom of Iseron, it was a simple life here. Everyone was friendly and everyone did their part. When it was founded, Elmsk was meant to house the Centralna Legion Graniczny.

They were a branch of the army that guarded the kingdom's borders in the central territories. All the soldiers here were under the authority of the Duke of the Central Kingdom Territories. The current military commander of the border legion in Elmsk is Duke Janusz's son, Viscount Tomasz.

When they first moved down here and occupied what is now Lower Elmsk, it was only the men and a few of the wives and children. Since then, it has grown quite large and the Viscount had a large complex built in the center of Upper Elmsk for his family, visiting KrolMagik, and members of the Autokratja. Shortly after the town began growing, the king's magicians destroyed the lands of Iseron, burning everything to the ground.

Everyone hoped the threat from Iseron would end, but something else was born from all the magic released. Some animals transformed and became viscous monsters that attack the kingdom. While no one believes the propaganda that it's the gods' punishment for Indecents living among us, no one felt like risking their families to fight against the king, his magicians, and his tyranny.

Over the last 120 years, the town has developed into a self-sufficient community where resources and responsibilities are shared by all. At seventeen, boys can join the Gwardia or choose a profession in town. Girls, likewise, can choose different jobs, but only those the king designates for women to perform. They may not join the Legion or Gwardia. At 21, boys who have trained in the guards may switch to the legion.

As long as you work, regardless of the service you provide, all your necessities are provided for. No one has a need for money. Everyone works on a barter system for anything not guaranteed by their citizenship to Elmsk. Sometimes, complex chains of people were needed to pass services along until the original person's need was satisfied.

Most people in town preferred this way of life. Some others would sell goods to traveling salespeople for coins to purchase things from other traveling sellers. Few people grow up and decide they want to go to a town where they can make money or buy nicer things. Everyone who stays is always welcome, regardless of ability. The people will find something for everyone to contribute.

Because the Indecents fight the magically altered beasts, the legion have much more time to train and stand around. In order to contribute as much as the others are, they began hunting and fishing in the woods and waters around the area. A group of six headed out searching for small game.

When they passed, a scimitar-toothed tiger stalked them.She was a majestic creature with two fangs hidden in her gumline as she glided slowly along the ground, more silent than the men. The group continued away from town, unsuspecting of her presence. Once satisfied they wouldn't turn after her, the tiger turned to the city walls.

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