Chapter 13

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The last thing Aleks remembered was crying on the ground in the woods, holding Emy. The earthy scent of pine was already fleeing his nose as the cold, damp air of this new place smothered his senses.

Everything was perfect only a short time ago. How could it all change so fast? He was running around with Emy all day. Then the tree wasn't there, and the magicians found them.

It happened so fast. One second, he was in the woods. And now he was on his knees in the shallows of a lake, the forest gone forever. The light was blinding as his hand shot up to protect his eyes.

A firm voice called out, but he ignored it, unsure if they were speaking to him. When he finally opened his eyes, they slammed shut from the shock of the sun's fierce rays. It was brighter and hotter than he ever felt before.

The fort was the furthest he had ever been away from home. But now, where was he? He must be on Kara Wyspa. His breathing became haggard as the air felt dry beyond belief. The sound of waves crashing against something came loud to his ears.

Ocean spray misted over him, seeping past his lips into his mouth. The contradicting sensations of the damp mists of sea foam mixing with the cold humid air of the arctic left his mouth feeling disgusting and his skin stinging and itching. He was becoming increasingly dehydrated.

Looking at his forearms, large circular blotches of dark red skin in the shape of gold coins formed as thousands of red dots appeared. His heart raced as he became overwhelmed.

The gruff voice sounded from the shore again, this time cutting through his fear, echoing around his mind like waves of the ocean pounding everything else out of the way. "Submerge your arms, lad."

Aleks, driven by a desperate need for relief, waded deeper until the water welcomed his entire body. The itching of his skin subsided. At the voice's insistence, he drank some. The cool liquid tasted better than the finest water on a hot day after working in the gardens.

As the water traveled through his body, he felt all his aches and bruises flee. Astonished, he looked at the old man to thank him. The man's face, covered in wrinkles, left him believing he was a man of the sea. He rarely saw ships sailing near town, but he thought this man must be a sailor. Or, he guessed he used to be.

His eyes were a startling deep blue that seemed to come from the depths of the ocean. White hair fell in waves around his face to his shoulders. His beard was equally white but was trimmed short.

Staring into his eyes, he saw an empathy and kindness in his there that soothed his worries

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Staring into his eyes, he saw an empathy and kindness in his there that soothed his worries. He knew this man would be a friend to him, and everyone else here.

"I'm assuming from your age, you're an Indecent and not a violent criminal? My name's Mareno," the elderly man said.

Aleks looked down uncertainly. He wasn't sure it was really ok to out himself now. "Y-yes," he said, haltingly. "My name is Aleks."

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