Chapter 12

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Emryk's cries, a raw mix of misery and sorrow, were abruptly severed as he felt the tree branch wrap around his chest and launch him skyward. In an instant, his tears dried as the air tore furiously against his skin, a relentless force fighting against his ascent into the sky. It felt as though the wind itself turned hostile, ripping at his clothes, howling in his ears, and pressing against his chest with an almost tangible pressure.

Sheer terror filled him as he spun wildly—a dizzying blur of sky and the forest around him as he arced above the trees. At the peak, there was a silence before he descended back towards the ground. The sound of wind picking back up to hide the sounds of his screams even from him.

Spinning end over end, he tried to flail around to land in the water legs first. Failing, he landed on his back. Pain exploded across his back as the oxygen in his lungs left his body yet again. Struggling to breathe, water rushed into his mouth and lungs as he sank to the bottom of the riverbed and bounced off the ground.

The rocks, jagged from the land's destruction all those years ago, had been smoothed out over time. Yet, this did little to lessen the destruction from crashing into them as the force of the water dragged him along the bottom, drowning his lungs. More pain exploded from his shoulder as he smashed into a protruding slab of granite sticking out of the riverbed.

The pain radiated through his entire arm as water pulled it in different directions against his control. Unresponsive to any signal from his brain, agony pulsed with every heartbeat. Beyond panic now, he prayed for death and the end of this.

His vision receded to pinpoints as he was thrown off the edge. Suspended in the air, his lungs started expelling the water and fought to bring in air as he began falling. Mercifully, he passed out from terror before he felt the stiff embrace of crashing down into the water below.


The forest blurred around me as I ran, Aly's laughter chasing me through the trees. For the first time, we were beyond the watchful eyes of the town and our parents. My feet pounded the earth beneath me as my heart raced with exhilaration.

Behind me, the sound of his footsteps were getting closer as a shout of laugher came from him as he tackled me. We tumbled over the leaf strewn ground and came to a stop with him pinning me beneath him. His breath passed over my face in a huff.

My eyes fluttered, and I felt my hair blow softly around. Aleks's eyes, usually playful, now had something more serious as he looked down to my lips. Time stood still before he leaned down into me.

The kiss was soft, beautiful, and made my heart soar. All that mattered in the world was this moment. Not even the laws mattered because we loved each other. Overwhelmed by my senses, our lips parted.


Emryk's eyes fluttered open to the rhythmic sound of water crashing nearby, pulling him back to the present. A dazzling blue light refracted around the granite walls. As he sat up, a sense of relief washed over him as his shoulder was healed. He examined his hand, twisting it around to see all sides.

Beyond his arm, the rush of water drew his attention. He stood, approaching the edge of the granite indentation behind the falls. A heavy mist sprayed across his face as he peered over, trying to look below. The waterfall seemed to beckon him, its pull almost tangible. As he leaned further, teetering on the edge, a firm hand grasped his shoulder, pulling him back to safety.

He turned to see a woman standing behind him, her presence a shock in this isolated place. Or was she a woman? Her skin looked like the granite itself came to life. The flashes of blue light coming through the falls danced over her.

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