Chapter 9

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Though he had a lot to think about that night, Emryk kept going back to Aly kissing Irena. He kept trying to tell himself it was alright because he already agreed to let Aleks be with girls as long as he never kissed another boy again. But seeing it was different.

And he knew it would only get worse. Aly would probably want to be seen around town with Irena or some other girl and kissing them. Someday, when he's married, they would flaunt it in his face every day.

Tears came down his cheeks. "It's supposed to be me you come home after a long day's work to, Aly."

Turning over in bed, he pulled his blanket over his head to muffle the sounds of his crying. His thoughts were running wild, taking Aly's side and his own. By morning, he knew it was the king's fault. If it weren't for these laws, Aly would be his alone.

He felt lousy in the morning from lack of sleep. His mind never stopped, though he believed he might have slept for short periods now and then. Aleks noticed in the morning, but when he tried to ask what was wrong, Emryk lied and said he was fine.

It went like this for a few days until Marek found Emryk walking alone around the inside of the town walls. "Hello, Emryk," he said.

Emryk turned, startled by the interruption of his thoughts. "Oh, sorry. Hello Mr. Augustyn."

Marek gave a stern look. "What's wrong, son?"

Emryk glanced around, not sure if he could talk to his boyfriend's father about this. He thought Marek was on his side, but would hate for Aly to hear that explicitly.

Marek wrapped an arm around Emryk and held him close as they walked. "It's ok. You can tell me what my son did."

Emryk shook his head, still not willing. "Did you see him kissing Irena?"

A tear came to Emryk's eyes, and he wiped them. All he could do was nod. Marek pulled him tighter.

"You know I love you like a son, right?"

"Yes," Emryk choked out.

"I would love nothing more than you and my son to marry. But we both know the laws won't allow that. There is plenty I could say about my son's behavior, but never to you. I will say this: he is a lot like his mother."

Emryk looked up into his eyes as Marek continued. "I was in love with her for years before she agreed to settle down. I knew she was running around and kissing girls. We weren't together for all of it, but there was some overlap that she never admits to.

Marek looked kindly down at Emryk. "She thinks I never knew, but I did. But she has never repeated it once we got married. She's been faithful. I wish I could help. I really do. But it's much different for you both.

I love my son very much. And though I wish you both could stay up here, I believe if you were both to go down the falls together, you could be happy there. It may not always seem like it, but he wants you desperately. You are the love of his life.

Marek looked around to see if anyone was near before moving on. "I know you as much as I know my son. You will follow him forever and will do whatever he wishes. I just wish there was a way to change things."

"Did you talk to my parents yet?" Emryk asked.

Marek shook his head. "No, I haven't had the courage yet. But I will. Truth be told, Im more afraid of Ela than your parents. I have to live with her."

They both chuckled and headed back to Aly's home. Emryk went in and found Aly laying in his bed. He laid down in bed with him and they cuddled.

They just stared into each other's eyes. What could either of them say? They both agreed and Aleks already made it clear he wouldn't live alone forever.

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