Chapter 4

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Emryk woke to his mother's hand gently shaking his shoulder. "It's time to wake up, sweetie."

He shifted away. His arm was much more sore than in the morning. "Is dinner ready?"

She brushed his long bangs off to the side of his face and brushed his cheek with her fingers. "Almost. But I have a birthday treat for you and Aleks."

He smiled and jumped out of bed, forgetting the pain. Following her outside to Aleks house, they knocked and entered. Aleks was already sitting there with two small tarts. It had cherries, blueberries, and blackberries. Emryk's mouth watered as he smiled and hugged both his and Aleks' mom.

Both boys took their own and dug into their treats. The mixture of flavors exploded over Emryk's taste buds. He closed his eyes to just enjoy the moment. They both loved their mothers but knew they couldn't make these themselves.

"Wow, mom. This is so good," Emryk said. "Did Mrs. Alicja make them?"

His mom smiled mischievously. "Possibly."

"Did she sneak them from the Viscount's manor?"

His mom shook her head as the others sat around the table together. "She doesn't need to sneak them. She's the Manor's baker and makes extra for special occasions sometimes."

"She must be part of the Stróże Urodziny, then," Aleks said.

Both mothers looked out the house's windows at the neighbors. "You aren't supposed to say that name sweetie," Aleks mother said to him. Marek shook his head, exasperated at the carelessness of his son.

"You're supposed to call it the birthday club just in case. Don't use the official name or its translation, Guardians of Birthdays. If they think it's just a few people who remember their own children's birthdays, they won't much care," Marek said.

"He's right," Emryk's mother said. "Official names bring official attention."

"But we don't even know who the Keeper of Birthdays is? Anyway, some magicians can read minds with those stones you told us about," Aleks said.

"Son!" Marek snapped. "Stop risking people's lives because you have no sense of danger. Start respecting the lives and freedoms of others. And someday we will tell you why you and Emryk can think about things safely. But not until you're ready."

Emryk grabbed his friend's hand under the table. He loved him but was conflicted in his agreement with Marek and undying loyalty for Aleks. He looked into the downcast eyes of friends, seeing the hurt there.

Aleks hated disappointing his dad. Why can't they just see how hard he tries? He doesn't want to disappoint him or Emryk. The laws were what they were, but he hated being told who he could be.

He already must pretend to be straight. How much of his soul does he need to sacrifice to keep all the secrets? How can he ever be himself when he has to section off certain emotions and knowledge? The flood gates burst in his mind, releasing all his true feelings.

Why can't they see he would love to be with only Emryk? But he doesn't want to live a life of lies. He's tired of lying and worries for the day the lies become all he is. Except for these rare moments, he no longer knows what the real him is anymore.

He knows he acts out sometimes and takes stupid risks. But how can he change when there are so many lies that the truth just bursts out sometimes? He never has to hide kissing girls. Why wouldn't he crave a lifestyle like his parents and everyone else?

He loves Emryk dearly and with all his soul, but he doesn't want to live his entire life alone just for the few moments they can escape and kiss where no one can see. He's every bit as strong as any boy his age. There isn't a job in town he hasn't shown the correct aptitude for. All that sets him apart is his desire to go home at the end of the day to Emryk.

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