Chapter 15

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Aleks followed Mareno for a short time longer and was introduced to a few people before he found a spot under a tree near the ocean. The sun was low on the horizon and dipped behind some clouds, causing him to shiver as chills crawled over his body. He felt so hot before, but now everything was settling down.

Maybe he was just panicked before. He wondered if his short-sleeve tunic would be enough in this place. Everyone else seemed to have a blanket over them and it left him wondering where he could find one.

Thinking about his parents, Liliana, and Emryk for the first time alone brought tears to his eyes. Poor Emy; what would he be doing now? He knew he was a lot more sensitive and unable to hide his feelings.

He curled into and ball and started shaking with sorrow and shame. It was his fault for taking nothing seriously. He was so sure he could fight off the King and his men and stay with Emy somehow.

His stupidity overwhelmed him and he started crying uncontrollably as he accepted he would see none of them again. As he reached new heights of crying, his emotions cut off like a switch as his mind slammed a wall down.

He was the strong one. It was he who was supposed to protect Emy and his family. He couldn't afford to let himself get lost in pity. It was all his fault, after all.

Aleks pulled his shirt off and wiped his face clean. Then he pushed it under his head to use as a pillow. They were so close to being able to live together. Why did he have to drag Emy away to the fort? All they had to do was wait a few months or more.

Now they would never see each other again. He forced himself to fall asleep as the stress of the day before he cried again. The sun poked in and out of the clouds, casting shades of beautiful colors over him.

His body wasn't used to the strength of the sun constantly bouncing off the surface of the water, burning his skin. The temperature didn't matter when his skin turned red and started to slowly bubble and rise. As he slept long into the day, his right eye began swelling over and disappeared.

Throat closing and struggling to breathe, he woke in a panic. Not being able to pull enough oxygen in through one nostril, panic, and desperation took him over.

Pushing against his swollen face, he searched for his eye. His skin mushed around as he tried to understand what was happening in his terrified mind. His throat dried up and after trying to clear his throat, he tried to scream.

His swollen throat weakened any sound from escaping, leaving only a faint whisper. Beyond terror, memories of the healing water came to his mind. Legs too weak, he crawled in the direction he thought the lake was in.

The voice behind him telling him to stop could not break through his panic and desperation. A powerful hand grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.

Mareno looked into his one open eye, trying to break through the panic. "Calm down, lad. It will heal you, but it will not stop it from happening again in another day. You must adapt."

Realizing he wouldn't get through, Mareno decided he'd have to learn the hard way. Picking him up, he walked Aleks out into the water and submerged him. As it seeped through his closed nostril and throat, the glorious liquid healed his body as it went all around his body.

Just as he felt himself start to drown, Mareno pulled him up out of the water. Holding him tight, Aleks spluttered and coughed, spitting everything out.

Leaning deeper into the powerful arms, Aleks had the odd sensation the ocean was surrounding him. Dry, salty air filled his throat and nostrils as air returned to his lungs. Aleks heard other voices asking if he was alright.

Death of a GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora