Chapter 18

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The sound of the waterfall crashing echoed back into the caves where the three women stood looking each other over. A bioluminescent light emanated from moss covering the walls. Terrianis and Etieniel looked over at the third woman's beautiful elfin form.

The golden orbs of light that came from the elf's eyes looked back and forth. "What is he doing now?"

Terrianis, looking as simple as ever with her short pixie cut hair, smiled before responding. "The plan is coming along. And allow me to say, niece, your new form is stunning."

Etieniel agreed. "You're as beautiful as ever, Amorius."

Amorius' long, pitch black hair flowed down her right side with a few golden highlights in her hair. Leaves of deepest browns and gold intertwined in her hair. Elegant patterns in gold meandered across her skin, tracing the contours of her form with delicate filigree that resembles the intricacies of the finest elven craft.

"So, how's the plan coming along?" Amorius demanded. "I want my children back."

"He's read many books over the few months you've been gone. He's been studying the history of Iseron and your children, wanting to discover why the king wiped them out. Just like you hoped he would," Etieniel said.

Terrianis asked, "Does his love for Aleks remain intact and pure? Remember, there were questions about that earlier."

To Etieniel, Amorius exuded godly powers with her glowing eyes. But Terrianis, though looking much more plain, was far more dangerous. "Yes. He's made a new friend in Mateusz, but he won't let anyone try to make him move on.

"How long must I wait?" Amorius asked, her voice laced with a cold, simmering rage. "With each rebirth outside my lands, my patience wears thinner, and my desire for justice burns ever fiercer. The Autokratja will pay dearly for their insolence against the gods."

Etieniel, her tone gentle yet laced with concern, interjected. "And what of Kacper? Will he meet the same fate as the others? After all, it's his line you seek to erase."

A moment of heavy silence enveloped the cave, charged with the perilous weight of her next words. Amorius's gaze shifted, her posture subtly altering as she acknowledged her position in the presence of Terrianis. With a respectful bow of her head to her aunt, she conveyed a silent but profound deference.

"Of course not," she finally conceded, her voice softer yet maintaining its firm resolve. "His father, along with the dukes, counts, viscounts, and magicians will suffice. The skartabellat I'll leave for Kacper as he ascends to replace his father and rebuild the Kingdom in a vision of a better world. He will be under my protection. The full might of Love will return to the kingdom."

Although brief, the land settled as unspoken understandings flowed through them all. Etieniel smiled as she knew Amorius' rage will serve her wishes as well.

"And what of the pirate lord, Vykintas the Wind Rider? Rumors say he wishes to replace the King himself. Would he be better than Kacper?" Amorius asked.

"I'm not sure who he is or what he wants," Terrianis said. That surprised Amorius. "He never leaves his ship to come onto land. Though it's said he has an island somewhere in Piratica."

"What if he has a magic nullifier around his neck, like the other rulers?" Amorius asked.

Terrianis shrugged and looked at Etieniel before returning Amorius' gaze. "That could explain it. But that begs the question of who gave it to him."

The others had nothing to add, so Terrianis continued. "Either way, I've planned on Kacper taking over, so that's what I'll keep working towards. I think it's time we invite Emryk and observe how he handles himself in your presence, Amorius.

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