Percy Jackson x OC

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The daughter of Apollo, Y/N, was chained to a stone statue. She woke up like that a few minutes ago. For some reason, she couldn't remember why she was chained to a stone statue or how she got there in the first place. Her head felt a little fuzzy, and her limbs were so, so heavy. The darkness that she had left a few minutes ago kept calling her, but there was something that told her she had to stay awake, she had to figure out what had happened to her.

The more she blinked, the more alive she felt. Once her head stopped spinning, she scanned the area in front of her, frowning. There were countless statues dotting the lawn she found herself on, all of them stuck in some sort of eternal terror. Y/N had no idea why she was here. She couldn't remember much of anything before her mind went black. She couldn't remember much of anything besides the quest that she had been sent on by Chiron. Yes, it was coming back to her now.

She had been sent on a quest with Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, and Percy Jackson to try to find Luke Castellan, the traitor of Camp Half-blood. It had been such a big blow to find out that one of their own had betrayed everyone. No one had taken it harder than Y/N, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover because they all had been such great friends with him. Y/N thought she could trust everyone at Camp Half-Blood, that that was the place for demigods to connect and create bonds with each other.

But somehow, Luke had kidnapped her while the other three were bickering about what they were going to eat for dinner. They all weren't paying attention about what was going on around them, and while the other three fought, Y/N had separated herself from the group because she had heard a strange noise. Her demigod training had kicked in, and she grabbed her knife from the sheath and slowly approached it. But before she could do anything, someone had knocked her unconscious.

Anger seared in her stomach. Why hadn't Percy, Annabeth, or Grover heard the same noise and gone to investigate it with her? Percy was really intent on getting Luke again after he had betrayed him, but that intense concentration might have been why him and the others were fighting. Percy hadn't been the same since he found out about Luke. He was angrier than ever -- angry at the world, angry at his friends, angry at Y/N. 

And she was, too.

Someone appeared in front of her vision, and the anger suddenly dissipated. Luke looked so haggard. There were deep, dark circles under his eyes, casting shadows across his hollow cheeks.  Even his scar that ran like a jagged bolt of lightning looked worse. "Luke," she said, her voice sounding so strange to her. "What are you doing here? Did you kidnap me?"

"I had to," Luke told her, his voice sounding strange. "I had no other choice. I knew you guys were coming after me, and I had to do something."

"Why? I thought we were friends."

"I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, Y/N," Luke whispered to her, the scar on his cheek shifting up and down with each hard word he pronounced. He did look so sorry, so scared. At first, Y/N felt bad for him. He was just a boy, just like she was just a girl. They had no say in who their parents were or if their parents even cared about them. Luke and she had a lot of those conversations over the past few years that she had known him, so she knew why he was doing this. "I don't have a choice. I really don't."

He lifted something up next to him, keeping his gaze locked on her. Y/N glanced at what was in his hands, but she suddenly closed them as quickly as possible. Luke Castellan was holding Medusa's head in his hands, ready to use those deadly eyes on her. A scared whimper escaped her lips, and she lowered her head, praying to the gods that she wouldn't turn into a statue. 

"Open your eyes, Y/N," Luke said gently. His fingers began pulling at her eyelids, trying to lift them open. "I promise it won't hurt. This is just something that needs to happen. You know that." 

She jerked her head away from his fingers, her own fingers itching for her dagger. Luke must have taken it away from her, taken away her only lifeline, and now she was at his mercy. Panic gripped her heart at that thought. 

"Y/N," Luke said, sounding angrier than before. "You need to do this, or I will get into trouble."

"Why do you need me?" she cried, holding her head away from his hands. He could still reach her, so she bit at the air. "Why am I so important?"

"You're not. Percy is, and wherever you are, he will be."

Y/N didn't want to react to that news, but she couldn't help but flush. She and Percy had grown close, so much closer than she ever realized, and he would do anything for her. "Let me go," she pleaded. "Let me go, please."

"I can't." Both of Luke's hands gripped her head now, and he forced her eyes open. Terror raced through her veins when she took in the powerful look in his eyes, the way his lips twisted into a scary frown. Medusa's head lay discarded at Luke's feet, hopefully forgotten. Luke said, "I'm sorry for this, Y/N."

He reached down and grabbed at the snakes attached to the decapitated head. Then, Percy appeared behind Luke, holding his sword close to him. He pressed one finger against his lips, so she didn't react at all. She struggled to breathe in a deep breath, closing her eyes once again. She didn't want to see whatever would happen next. 

Suddenly, Luke's hands dropped away from her face as a thud sounded. She quickly opened her eyes to see Luke crumpled on the ground, his eyes rolled back in his head. "I didn't think it was going to be that easy," Percy said, cocking his head to the side. "Wow, and he said he was the best swordsman at camp."

"Percy, be quiet," Grover hissed. He bleated before grabbing one of Luke's wrists. "Let's move him."

Y/N and Percy locked eyes for a second, and relief spread through her whole body. He gave her a quick grin before running to Grover. Annabeth quickly untied her wrists, and Y/N fell into her arms. "I got you," Annabeth said, looping an arm around Y/N's waist, holding her steady. "What happened?"

"You all were bickering together," Y/N muttered, crashing to her knees. Annabeth sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I heard a strange noise, and Luke kidnapped me."

"What was he saying to you?" Annabeth asked as Percy and Grover came back to them. "I couldn't hear it."

"He said he wanted Percy," Y/N said, her eyes flickering over to the son of Poseidon. He gently sat down in front of her, a dark look on his face. "I'm not sure why, though."

"He can't take Percy," Grover said, latching onto his arm. "He's my best friend!"

"Okay, let's get out of here so Luke doesn't take both Percy and Y/N," Annabeth said, standing up. She held her hand out, so Y/N took it, her whole body feeling like lead. "Grover, help me get Luke so we can take him back with us."

Grover groaned, but he followed Annabeth anyway. That left Y/N and Percy alone. He quickly stood up and opened his arms. She collapsed into them, relishing in the fact that he was so warm. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry I got kidnapped."

"I don't think that was your fault," he said, chuckling. "It was Luke's."

She pulled away from him. "Thank you, Percy," Y/N whispered to him. The boy stared back at her with those sea green eyes of his, the very ones that felt so familiar to her now. Her heart hammered in her chest at the sight of him staring at her like that, but she knew they were only kids. The war wasn't over yet, and they needed to focus on that. "Thanks for coming to save me."

"I'd do it again." He looked at her and then grinned. "But try not to get kidnapped again."

"I'll try."

"Guys," Annabeth called out. "Luke's gone."

Y/N's blood ran cold. All Percy did was hold her close, but her heart thudded against her ribcage. She was afraid that Luke would get her again, or even worse, he would get Percy and take his life away. She prayed to the gods again, hoping that the war would be over soon enough with the least number of casualties. She wished she could hope in the gods for their help, but deep inside, she knew she couldn't depend on them, just like Luke. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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