➤OP-17 // Deep Waters

116 5 1

4 APRIL 2021 0100


[REDACTED], Indonesia

I popped open the armored case and lifted my ACR out of it, swapping in a longer ranged scope in place of my current one. With the information Batara gave us, recon teams were able to locate that the main activities of the White Mask cell were coming in and out of an abandoned oil rig not too far off the coast, explaining why they were spotted through the jungle. Personnel provided more information regarding an oil tanker 500 meters off South East of the Oil rig, they're moving something big. Me, Nokk, Arief, and Wamai surrounded a heavy laptop with Kali on the other end.

["RAINBOW 6, KOPASKA, and Nighthaven will infil three boat teams for a simultaneous take down of the target. Colonel Sulistyo will lead the ship assault team. ETA-10, Nokk, and Wamai will engage the oil rig and disarm the missile before it reaches the Australian coast. Weapons free, good hunting."]

I let out a soft whistle as Sam ended his side of the mission briefing and left up the plans for the attack. "Well, let's not keep them waiting." I remarked, giving a quick glance around.

"I agree, what isn't done today will not be done tomorrow." Wamai chambered a round in his AUG and marched off. "I'll have my men prepare the vessels."

Nokk inspected the rifle she borrowed, a special order she put in back at base. "Isn't that Glaz's rifle?" I asked, watching her flip the thermal scope on and getting adjusted with it.

"It is," She replied. "But he has a couple of these, so he won't mind."

"Alright then, remind me to try out that request form at some point." I chuckled, hopefully what we're expecting to find on that oil rig is there. I stepped out of the command room and joined Arief in one of his SUVs, bringing us down to the coast where Wamai's men were finishing up with the boats.

The weather was picking up, rain and thunder waited for us as the fog rolled in. A double edged sword; protecting both sides from the sight of eachother. Waves crashed against the side of the boat, the smell and taste of salt in the air as I was getting soaked in the water. "Eyes on the rig!" I called out.

"That's our target, Talons 1 and 2 – push to your hook points. Our enemies will not pull victorious today!" Wamai exclaimed into his radio, the sounds of the water partially drowned out his voice. Fortunately it was more than enough for the other boats to get the signal.

["All Stations, ship is visual!"] Arief shouted over the comms, watching his boat take a sharp turn away from ours.

"If Batara told us the truth, we board, clear, and disarm the missiles!" Nokk reminded us of the bigger picture of this operation.

"And if he lied?" I asked.

"You know what to do then!" She replied. "Be ready, this could be a trap!"

We pulled in just underneath the oil rig, the driver of the boat moved us around as he lifted up two grapnel launchers with some heavy duty cables for us to rappel up. "Ascenders up!" He greenlit. Attaching ourselves to the cables we rappeled up the oil rig, "Up and attem."

"All Talons, the missile is on the platform, I want full containment." Wamai ordered.

I hauled myself over the railing guard, watching Wamai and the other Night Haven soldiers take down the White Masks; their navy blue and grey camo both blended in and stood out if you knew them. We were on the lowest level of the rig, there were few guards down here. "You got three W.M internal, proceed with caution," I advised, they were about to push into a small office, fortunately they were better.

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