Chapter 23: The big surprise/ the arrival

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A few weeks after the group rescued Batman and brought him home, Damians' birthday grew closer, and he noticed something was off about Marinette. Any time he tried to talk to her, she would brush him off, and he was worried she no longer loved him.

When his birthday came, Damian wasn't expecting Marinette to give him much attention. On top of it all, many members of the family kept giving him weird looks. This caused Damian to feel something was wrong. As he entered the living room, he saw Marinette.

"Malak, why are you avoiding me?" Damian asked her.

Marinette tried to get away, but when she saw how hurt Damian was, she turned and faced him. "I wanted to keep this for the party, but..." she began to say as she handed him something.

When Damian looked down, his eyes widened when he saw it was a pregnancy test, and it was positive. "Malak, is this for real?" He asked as he looked down at the test.

"It is Shaytan. We're going to be parents," Marinette said as she gave him a loving kiss.

Tears began to weld in Damian's eyes as he was overwhelmed by his emotions he could not believe what he was hearing. "The only person who doesn't know is your father. I want to surprise him," Marinette informed Damian.

Damian nodded his head in understanding he was thrilled. This was the best news he could ever receive on his birthday. He kissed Marinette passionately on the lips, and she returned the kiss, the two locked lips for a good solid minute before pulling away to catch their breaths.

"How do you think he'll react?" Marinette asked Damian.

Damian thought for a moment, "Knowing my dad, he may be shocked if he doesn't already know, but seeing as how he's a detective he might already know," Damian said flatly.

"Well, I don't want to share the news till your party, please, my love?" She begged Damian felt he had no choice but to agree he could never say no to Marinette.

Marinette spent most of the day planning on how to break the news to the others she wanted the moment to be special. A few times while she was planning, the other family members, including Bruce, kept trying to sneak in to know what she was up to.

No matter how hard they tried and how many schemes they used, they could never find out what she was up to. Bruce tried to even go the extra mile and ask his son what was going on, but Damian kept quiet as he had promised his love. This, of course, angered Bruce cause he was so used to being on top of everything and knowing everything.

Marinette finally managed to make a gender reveal balloon 10 minutes before Damians party. Inside the balloon was pink water, which is a sign their child (she and Damian) would be a little girl. While the party was in full swing, Marinette hung the balloon.

"Marinette, what's with the balloon?" Bruce asked.

"You'll see," she said as she gathered everyone around.

"Now today may be my loves birthday, but we decided it would be best for Father to open this gift," Marinette said as she turned to Bruce.

"Me, but how it's a balloon," Bruce asked in confusion.

"Use a Bat-a-Rang dad," Damian said.

Bruce did just that, and when the Balloon popped pink, water fell from it, "What's the meaning of this?" He asked in confusion.

"Well Bruce your about to be a proud grandpa," Marinette said warnly.

Tears filled Bruce's eyes as he heard this he was actually going to become and grandpa. "You're serious. This isn't some kind of joke," Bruce asked as he tried his hardest to hold back his tears.

"It's true. I can't even tell you how hard it was for her to keep such a secret from the world's greatest detective, father," Damian joked.

This, in turn, caused Bruce to laugh. He finds it funny that he didn't see the signs of Marinette being pregnant, "I'm sure it was hard it's not easy for me not to notice things right away well done this was the best surprise I could have ever received" Bruce said as he hugged Damian and Marinette.

He was so full of joy that once again he could not contain his emotions and began to cry hard, Marinette smiled she was glad Bruce was happy. All of them could not wait for the arrival of the new Wayne family member.

9 months later...

Marinette was sound asleep in bed with Damian's arms wrapped around her when she felt a liquid trickle down her leg. She immediately woke Damian up "Damian wake up, wake up, shaytan," She said softly.

It took a few tries, but eventually, Damian woke up. "malak, what's wrong?" He asked, sounding worried.

"My water broke," she said softly.

Hearing that Damian beamed but then he realized he had to get her to the hospital moving quickly he scooped her into his hands he then got his father up and asked him to rush him and Marinette to the hospital. Bruce, without hesitation, rushed out of his bed and got dressed and drove them to the hospital.

Marinette was rushed into the delivery room while Damian and Bruce were told to stay in the waiting room, both extremely nervous and scared something would happen to her or the baby.

Damian's P.O.V:

I paced back and forth in the waiting room, my heart pounding in my chest. I was extremely nervous. I didn't want anything to happen to Marinette or our daughter as I looked over at my father. I noticed he was also a nervous reck. "I never thought I'd see the day were your this nervous father," I teased.

Batman gave him a look that told m3 he didn't appreciate the teasing, "I can't help it. Marinette is also family. I don't want anything to happen to her," Bruce explained.

"Sorry, Father, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just trying to lighten the mood with some light teasing," I explained.

My father nodded his head in understanding but asked me not to tease like that at a time like this cause he was worried, and I agreed. After what seemed like a century, the nurse came out and gave us the good news that both Marinette and the baby were fine, me and father heaved a sigh of relief.

As I entered the room, I saw Marinette holding our daughter, "Damian meet Sadiya Wayne" she said with a smile hearing that my eyes filled with tears of joy and I wasn't the only one father also couldn't help but shed some tears that didn't go unseen at the sight of his granddaughter.

This was by far the best day of my life, a week passed when Marinette was finally allowed to leave the hospital with Sadiya and everyone back at home was elated to see she was ok and to meet the new arrival of the Wayne family. I could not wait for the next chapter in our lives.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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