Chapter 13: Why?

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Sophie dreaded Monday, it meant she would have to go to school. And all her friends would be there.
That included Keefe, and she didn't know if she could face him.

She was embarrassed out of her mind. They kissed for crying out loud. Ugh, why was the Universe against her?

Reluctantly she made her way to school. And before you ask, she did try to fake being sick and use the pity points from her episode on Saturday.

It didn't work.

So now she wasn't talking to Grady or Keefe, but that's beside the point. Her plan was if she just avoided Keefe for today, he'd forget about it and then she'd just pretend like it never happened.

As she made her way to her locker she stuck to the shadows. Like Gritzel would've done. And for once she didn't miss Sandor, it would be really hard to go unnoticed with a giant goblin following her around. Her heart ached at the thought of them. But she was not letting that happen at school.

Of course, she wasn't as graceful as the female Bodyguard, but she made it work. Finally, she made it to her locker, luckily no one was around.

She licked the DNA strip to open her locker. And let me just tell you it was possibly the worst thing she had ever tasted in her life. Seriously, who let Elwin pick that?

She quickly took out all the books she'd need for the day, no way was she experiencing that taste again.

" Oh it's one of those days," the familiar voice of her redheaded best friend spoke.

" Unfortunately, they haven't banned Elwin from choosing the flavors yet."

" Well, now I don't wanna open my locker."

Sophie rolled her eyes, " Don't you have emergency prattles for Elwin picks?"

" No, not anymore, Marella stole it. And don't ask me how I don't know either." Dex conceded opening his locker as quickly as possible.
" Ew," Dex quickly wiped off his tung, " Who let him pick that, it tastes like how kelpie skin smells."

" That's what it is."  

" My taste buds will never recover from this," Dex quickly shoved his books into his bag.
" Wait, you know how our shoulders always hurt from carrying all this stuff," Dex said in his, ' I have an Idea ' voice.

"Yeah," Sophie said raising an eyebrow.

" What if we just left our lockers open a crack? I mean the neverseen are defeated now, so why not?" Dex suggested.

" I mean, it sounds like a good idea-"

" Because it is" Dex nearly yelled.

Sophie sighed, " I guess it's fine."

" See, I have the best ideas," Dex beamed.

"Well, now you just sound like-" Sophie couldn't finish that sentence. Even just saying his name brought back the embarrassment.

" What did you say?"

" Oh it's um.. nothing, it's nothing. Anyway, I should get to class, I don't want lunch detention again." Plus if she was trying to avoid Keefe, lunch detention probably wasn't the best place to go.

And yeah she still had like 10 minutes till class started but it's never too early to start being punctual.
At least, that's what her human mom used to say. Or maybe it was to late to start being punctual. She couldn't remember how it went.

Sophie kept walking the halls changing direction everything she saw a tall blonde boy. And her plan was working way better than she thought it would. Maybe she should come up with plans more often.

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