Chapter Twelve

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Junghwan is still smiling when he saw Haruto enjoying eating fried chicken.

"Jollibee is delicious, isn't it?" He asked and the taller nodded.

He smiled and get some rice using the spoon and said. "Say 'aaaahhh'..." he said and Haruto opened his mouth and eat the food. Haruto smiled while chewing it.

He couldn't help but blush while seeing Haruto's cute eyes while smiling at him with many foods inside of his mouth that made his cheeks cuter.

"Come on, drink some water," he said and get the bottled water after opening it. He also helped the taller to drink.

"Very good," he said when Haruto finally finished eating. "Take some rest, Haru..." he said and helped Haruto to lay on the hospital bed.

"Thank you," Haruto said to him that made him smile a little.

"Always welcome, Haru... I'll do everything just to make you feel better. I will pray for your fast recovery," then he gave Haruto a kiss on his forehead.


"Hi, Haru!" Junghwan said to Haruto. He is currently having a video call with the older because Haruto can't go to school because of what happened. Of course, he needs to recover.

"Hello, baby. By the way, how are you?" Haruto asked to him.

"I'm fine...but you know, it's exam day so... I don't know," then he laughed. "By the way, how about you?"

"I'm fine, too. Mom and dad is taking care of me very well," Haruto responded with a small smile on his lips.

"That's good, Haru. Don't worry, I'll go to the hospital after school. Then after visiting you, I'll go home. You know, I need some rest."

"WAHHH!! I'm worried because I can't take the exam..." Haruto said dramatically.

"Don't worry, Haru. I already told our teacher... And I also said that your parents is busy taking care of you that's why they didn't have a time to come here and excuse you."

"Thank you so much, Junghwan. Wait, have you eaten?"

He shook his head. "Not yet. I'm still talking to you.

Haruto laughed. "Okay, eat first. You need to eat because of your exams. I love you!"

He chuckled. "I love you too, Haruu..." then the call ended. He excitedly opened his lunchbox and started eating.


When Junghwan finally entered the hospital, Mr. Watanabe came to him.

He kiss the man's cheeks. "Hello, Uncle. Where's Auntie?" He asked.

"Uhm... she will get some clothes. By the way, Haru is waiting for you," Mr. Watanabe said and smiled.

"Okay, Uncle. You want to join me in his room?"

Mr. Watanabe shook his head. "No, Junghwan. I'll wait for your Auntie."

"Okay, Uncle," then he entered the room.

When he entered the room, he saw Haruto sitting on his bed while eating sandwich.

Haruto up his head and look at him. "Oh....hi, baby..."

"Hello, Haru..." then he came closer and gave the older a kiss on the cheeks and sat beside him. "I'm so glad to see you sitting right now."

Haruto smiled. "Of course, baby. I will do everything for my fast recovery. I don't want to just lay on the bed the whole day."

He smiled. His baby Haru is so strong.

They had a very...very long talk that's why he didn't knew that it's already six thirty in the evening.

"Oh my gosh, I need to go home!" He said while looking at his wristwatch.

"Okay, baby. Just give me a 'good bye kiss'," then Haruto showed his kissable lips.

"Uhm...okay..." he pecked the older's lips. "Bye, Haru..." then he stood up and opened the door. "Bye again!"

Haruto smiled. "Bye, baby. I love you..." Haruto said and wave his hands.

"I love you too, Haru..." he said and waved his hand before leaving.


Junghwan is currently reviewing with Jeongwoo on the school's waiting area. It's their break time.

"How's Haruto?" Jeongwoo asked to him.

"He's fine, Woo-hyung," he replied.

"By the way, Yoshi-hyung came to me and asked me about you yesterday. He wants to have a talk with you but I already told him that you're having a video call with Haruto on the phone," Jeongwoo explained.

What will Yoshi say to him? "What should I do now? Ask him why he wants to talk with me?" He asked to Jeongwoo. In fact, he is clueless right now.

"You're right! Want me to call hi-"

"No need, Jeongwoo," they were shocked when they saw Yoshi standing infront of them.

"O-okay, talk. I'll just go at the cafeteria," Then Jeongwoo left them.

"Y-Yoshi-hyung..." he said softly while looking at the older's eyes.

"I like you, Junghwan. For real. But... I'm here to say that I'm so happy for the both of you."

He smiled and stood up. "Thanks, hyung!" Then he gave the japanese a very tight hug, causing the latter to embrace him.

After a few seconds, he looked at the older's face. "Sshh....don't cry..." he said while wiping Yoshi's tears.

"Don't mind me, Junghwan. And don't worry, I'm okay..." Yoshi said and smiled at him.

"We can still be friends, hyung," he said with a smile on his lips.

"Of course, Junghwan..."


"What?!" Junghwan couldn't help but chuckle after he told about Yoshi's confession. He's currently on the car on his way home while having a video call with his favorite monster.

"We're just friends..." he said. He couldn't help but laugh.

"And you're laughing? And why did you freaking hugged him?" Haruto asked jealously.

"I just want to reassure him, to comfort him. He cried earlier, Haruto. For real," he explained.

"I fucking don't care!" Haruto said, he is mad freaking mad now.

"I'm so sorry but...he's a friend. In fact, he's happy for us," he explained.

Haruto frowned. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yeah. And don't worry, I'm loyal," he said causing his dad to laugh while driving.

"Really?" Haruto asked.

"I already told you, Haru. I'm loyal," he said and winked at the older.

"Me too, baby. I'm loyal to you. I will never find someone else because you're the only one I love," Haruto said that made his cheeks turned pink, bright pink.

"Bye for now, Haru!" He said with a playful smirk.

"Please don't end the call yet. You will not come here in the hospital today, right? So I want to have a talk with you..."

"Sorry, Haru but-"

"Five minutes? Five minutes, please?" Haruto pleased to him. Haruto is so cute when he is begging.

He smiled. "Okay, Haru," he said, causing the older to smile.


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