Chapter 16- Shopping

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Cody pov♬彡

I had packed all the Essentials in my tote bag,Headphones,Stressball and communication cards.

Rory and I walked around the mall looking at every single thing.

She had bought stuff for herself,while I just stood there quietly playing with my stress ball in my pocket.

Soon we passed a store called Hot topic,I'd never been into Hot topic,It was dark in there.

I dragged rory inside and a girl in a long flowery dress greeted us.

"Hey there,Welcome to Hot topic we're having a sale today,just look on the Racks near the back of the store." she said and we nodded.

In there I was able to find some black tank tops and some flannels and some cargo shorts,Rory seemed Bored.

"Hey Cody,remember when Dad almost burned his hand trying to grill for the first time?" She asked and I nodded.

"He scared Grandma so much she threw her drink at him to stop the supposed 'fire'." I chuckled.

"Yea,We gotta hurry it's almost time for us to get home." She said while checking her phone.

"Alright,I picked clothes out." I said with a proud smile on my face.

"Ooo,how about some jewelry?" Rory said and I hummed

"Maybe,I'll let you pick put stuff." I said and she nodded and picked up some Rings and necklaces.

"Those are fine,Let's go." I said smiling,I payed abd we left.

"We have enough for some snacks,Let's hit up a candy store." She Cheered and I nodded.

We walked into a candy store and I grabbed some gummy bears and a Juice box. 

Then I heard a very familiar laugh behind me.

I turned around to see Jace and a few of his friends and pryia along side them.

"Oh look it's Cody,Hey Cody!" Jace greeted me and I just blankly stared.

"Aw come on Cody,You know us, this is Cody guys,she's the one with the cool car sketches." He said and the other boys bantered among themselves.

pryia smiled at me and I smiled back,"Oh Codes, are these your friends? My name's Aurora,Cody's older sister." Rory said and I kept quiet.

" Wow,You're her sister? I didn't know you had a sister Codes." Jace said with his hands tucked in his jacket pockets.

"It's Cody to you and yes I have a sister." I grumbled.

"You don't have to be so defensive jeez." He chuckled and I sighed.

"Anyways,I'm Jace,and this here is the girl of the hour,Priya." He said and pryia let out a shy hi.

"Well,Do you guys wanna walk around with us? We invited Cody but she never responded." Jace laughed.

"No thanks,we were just about to go." Aurora explained and Jace nodded.

"We'll see you around school,It was nice meeting you."  Jace smiled before walking off.

"Let's hurry up and leave." I sighed

"Do you not like him? He seems nice." Aurora giggled and I scoffed.

"Boys are gross,And loud and Obnoxious." I retorted and she laughed.

We payed and left and got dad to pick us up.

Dad let me fix the things on his car and Everything is moving smoother than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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