Chapter 18: Meet Travis (Part 1)

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Victoria's P.O.V.

"Good afternoon class." Mr. Smith greeted us with his baritone, groggy voice as he went inside the classroom and walked towards his wooden desk. Mr. Smith is our History teacher. He has a square-shaped face with green, almond-shaped eyes that look so intimidating at some point. He seemed to be in his late fifties considering the fact that he was wrinkles on his forehead that turns to slits whenever he is mad and not to mention his midnight-black hair that has a few white hairs. He also has this patrician nose and jaw along with a light beard and thick glasses giving him a Middle-Eastern look. He was wearing his usual business suit which consisted of a sleek, back coat along with a maroon tie that was quite tight around his neck. Mr. Smith was the type of teacher who would give you a thirty-minute sermon once you only dropped your pen because according to him, "the sound of a ball pen's fall on the floor is very disturbing and annoying therefore ruining the serenity and peace of my wonderful History lecture."


"Good afternoon, sir." The class lazily said in chorus. I have a feeling that this class, which by the way, is History class will going to be boring since why do we need to study and go back to the past when we are currently in the present? I'm not against History since I do respect some of the American soldiers and patriots and heroes who sacrificed themselves for the sake of America but those lessons have been studied since first grade up until now.

I mean, why do we need to study it over and over again? It's like your mom telling you to clean your room over and over again that it gets so annoying and very irritating.

Mr. Smith let out a huge sigh as he placed his hands on the edge of his wooden desk and leaned forward while eyeing us all intently with his hazel eyes covered with his square-framed black nerdy glasses. After he finished scanning the room for some unknown reason, he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a huge sigh before his lips curved into a smile. More like a smirk.

With that action, I immediately knew-wait let me rephrase that. The class immediately knew that he was planning something bad to all of us.


What if it was a surpize quiz?

What if it was a surprise long test?

I'm totally guessing that you know how I hate Mr. Smith right now.

If he was your teacher, I'm pretty sure that you'd hate him too unless you're not some weird geek whose interested in History and that stuff.

"So lately, as we move on to the mid-terms, I'm going to give you all a project." He declared and in an instant a series of sighs, groans and strings of cusses were heard inside the classroom.

And of course, because Mr. Smith likes torturing his students, he gave us all his trademark smirk which we all want to wipe off his oblong-shaped face with a metal chair that is.

"Of course, you won't do your project individually. So I'm going to assign partners for this project. And I guess this will be.......quite exciting." He said as he gave us all a lop-sided smile.

"Do we get to choose our own partners?" a ginger who I think is a guy named Earl, whom I barely know, asked Mr. Smith as he raised his right hand.

"No, I will be the one to assign your partners." He answered.

Louder groans and cusses echoed around the classroom for this so-called "quite exciting" History project.

Oh great. Just great. I thought to myself as Mr. Smith started to call up the partners.

"Edward and Daniela." He said as I watched my best friend Daniela, stand up from her chair placed in the front row and huffed as she joined Edward, who was a jerk and has the ego the size of Jupiter. She threw a glance in my way and gave me a small smile in which I exchanged with a small smile of my own.

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