Chapter 19: Mystery Gun

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When I finally got home to Jason's enormous mansion, I immediately acted as if I owned the place. Of course, being the daughter of one of the most respected people in the business industry, my parents have taught me proper manners and I do have an etiquette. But at this moment, I don't need to show the world the virtues and manners my parents have actually patiently taught me. I was alone in this gigantic mansion. I can have fun and nobody will care so why bother acting like your some innocent girl?

I immediately walked straight towards the living room and immediately plopped myself on the comfy, velvet couch placed in front of the television with only a rectangular table made of mahogany seperating it.

I turned on the television and to my delight, The Walking Dead was on.

I've always loved this show considering the fact that it is very adventurous and has an original plot not like those other zombie apocalypse movies. My favorite thing about this show is that Norman Reedus is in it. He's Daryl, the guy with a crossbow and I would be definitely and undoubtedly lying if I say that he is not hot or handsome.

I sighed in contentment as I sat lazily on the velvet couch and watched The Walking Dead.


Halfway through the episode, my stomach, out of a sudden, growled indicating that I was indeed hungry.

Curse my brain's hypothalamus.  

[A/N the hypothalamus is the part of the brain that sends message to the body if the person is hungry]

I immediately turned off the television and stood up. I went to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of Fruity Loops cereal and added some milk to it.

As I swallowed a spoonful of my self-made cereal, the sweet and fruity flavor bursted through my mouth delighting my tastebuds and my gustatory nerves. The creamy taste of the cow's milk I've added also made it more delicious and tasty.

I stared at the clock which was plastered on the wall near the kitchen cabinets indicating that it was only three 'o clock in the afternoon. I still have a few hours before Jason goes home at about eleven 'o clock later at night.

I kept eating up until I was about to swallow my twelfth spoonful when I suddenly heard a frantic series of knocks on the door which instantly captured my curiosity. As far as I know, Jason did not tell me that he was expecting a visitor and I am certainly sure I did not invite someone to come over. It was also impossible for it to be the pizza guy since I haven't ordered a pizza. Yet.

You know in those movies where a stranger, out of a sudden, knocks on the door and a teenage girl who is alone in the house gets up and answers the door only to find out that it's some strange man dressed up in a black cloak and has a chainsaw and then kills her? Well, it's true when they said that curiosity kills the cat.

Another series of knocks was heard making me snap out of my reverie and stood up. My guts was telling me not to open the door but me being the stupid, idiotic girl I am, stood up and went towards the front door. I know that curiosity kills the cat but hey, I'm not a cat so maybe my curiosity would not kill me.

As my hand touched the golden door knob, I became slightly nervous and excited at the same time. Being nervous at this moment is understandable but I don't know where the heck the excitement came from or what caused it either.

I have some weird issues going on within my body and that is also an understatement.

I finally twisted the door knob and I swung the door open expecting it to be a guy dressed in a huge black cloak with a chainsaw in one of his hands.

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