Chapter 6

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The next morning, Sarah was up much earlier than she usually liked to be. But the boys had to get back on the road. The next stop on their tour was in Wisconsin, so they didn't have to go too far. But their next show was later that night, so they needed to get on the road. Most of her things had gone out to the tour bus before bed the other night so all she had with her was her phone, a pair of pajamas, and one of her new outfits.

Before getting on the bus, she took a quick shower and put on her new light blue U-neck tank top and a pair of black high-waisted flare leggings. Kate had let her borrow a 14k gold-plated opal necklace to go with her outfit. She had told her the other night how much she loved wearing necklaces and how many she had back home in her grandmother's antique jewelry box. But she hadn't expected her to share any of her jewelry. It was a nice gesture though, and she took her up on it.

As soon as they were on the tour bus, Sarah saw Taylor and Natalie sitting together  figuring out a movie to watch with their kids. She sat near Isaac and Nikki, and chose to work on a loom knit scarf. She hadn't done any knitting in awhile and she didn't feel like coloring in that moment. They used one of their laptops to find something to watch, and decided on The Land Before Time.

" When was the last time you watched this, Sarah?" Nikki asked, as she started the movie.

" I can't remember honestly. But Little Foot's mom dying gets me every single time." She told her. " I always cry."

" I do too, Sarah." Odette said. " But I still love the movie."

Isaac smiled. He was glad that his kids seemed to like Sarah so much. It made him happy that she wouldn't be too miserable the whole time she was with them. He only hoped Natalie wouldn't do everything she could to get rid of her or to make her feel bad about herself. It wasn't normally how Natalie would treat anyone, but he knew she wasn't happy about Sarah being there.

A couple of hours later, they stopped at a gas station to fuel up and get any snacks that they wanted. Sarah ended up grabbing a few beverages such as strawberry lemonade powerades and a couple bottles of coke as well as a snicker bar and a bag of popcorn. She accidently bumped into Taylor when she was trying to decide if she wanted anything else.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." She said, and started to walk away.

" Listen, I... I know I was extremely rude to you the other day, Sarah. And I shouldn't have treated you that way. I'm sorry." Taylor said. " I was just so surprised to see you when you showed up for the meet and greet, and then when I saw you on the tour bus... I just didn't know what to say."

" Thanks for the apology, Taylor. It means a lot. And I don't expect us to be that close ever again. I just wish we could be friends." She told him, as she looked at a bag of tostito chips.

" And maybe one day we could be." He grabbed a bag of his favorite chips then and headed towards the cashier.

Nikki had handed Sarah $40 before they went inside so that they wouldn't have to ring things up together. Grabbing that bag of chips and salsa, she paid for her items and made her way back to the tour bus.

Before she could get there, Natalie stepped right in front of her. " I believe I told you to stay away from my husband!" She snapped at her, slapping her in the face. " And don't you dare say you didn't mean to go near him."

" I accidently ran into him deciding what I wanted for snacks and stuff. I did not intentionally seek him." Sarah said, snapping right back at her. " And I have no intention of stealing him from you. That just isn't who I am." Stepping around her, she made her way onto the tour bus and found a corner to get away from her.

As Sarah settled into her corner, she couldn't shake off the encounter with Natalie. The tension lingered, casting a shadow over the otherwise cozy atmosphere of the bus. She focused on her knitting, trying to calm her racing thoughts. Despite Taylor's apology, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease around Natalie. It was clear there would be more challenges ahead, but she was determined not to let them overshadow her journey with the band. Adjusting her grip on the loom, Sarah resolved to navigate the complexities of tour life with grace and resilience.

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