Chapter 32

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As Sarah drove them home, she glanced over at Jessamyn, her expression filled with concern. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry you had to go through that," she said softly, her voice tinged with empathy. "No one should ever treat you that way."

Jessamyn sighed, her shoulders slumping with exhaustion. "I just don't understand why she's being so mean to me," she murmured, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I didn't do anything to her."

Sarah reached out, gently squeezing Jessamyn's hand. "Bullies often act out because of their own insecurities," she explained, her tone gentle yet firm. "It's not about you; it's about how she feels about herself."

"But it still hurts," Jessamyn admitted, her voice wavering. "I feel so alone sometimes, Mom."

Sarah's heart ached for her daughter. "You're not alone, Jessamyn," she reassured her, her voice unwavering. "I'm here for you, and we'll figure out how to handle this together. I'm proud of you for speaking up and for being brave."

Jessamyn managed a small smile, her gaze meeting her mom's. "Thanks, Mom," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "And thanks to Noah too. He really stood up for me."

Sarah nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of relief and determination. "Noah's a good friend to have," she agreed. "And we'll make sure Bailey understands that this behavior won't be tolerated."

As they pulled into the driveway, Sarah turned to Jessamyn, her expression resolute. "Let's talk to the school counselor tomorrow," she suggested, her voice firm. "We'll get this sorted out, I promise." Jessamyn nodded, a flicker of hope rekindling in her eyes as they entered their home, ready to face the challenges ahead together.

Before they started on dinner, Sarah told Jessamyn about how badly she was bullied herself in school. It was good for her to hear her mom's experience in school when she was younger. She also loved hearing how Isaac would stand up for her mom when her classmates gave her problems outside of school.

As Sarah and Jessamyn prepared dinner together, the comforting aroma of sizzling burgers and crispy fries filled the kitchen. Jessamyn eagerly helped her mom shuck fresh corn on the cob, her spirits lifted by the simple joy of cooking alongside her. Sarah smiled, admiring her daughter's enthusiasm as they worked side by side. "These homemade fries are going to be delicious," Sarah remarked, her voice filled with warmth. Jessamyn nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Together, they shared a lighthearted conversation, momentarily setting aside the day's challenges in favor of bonding over a meal they had crafted with love and care.

The next morning, shortly after she got out of bed, the phone rang. Sarah pressed the phone to her ear, her voice a mixture of professionalism and nervous anticipation. As she listened, a flicker of disappointment flickered across her face, quickly masked by a warm, "Thank you so much, Mr. Henderson. I appreciate the opportunity." Hanging up, she forced a smile as Jessamyn's hopeful gaze met hers. "That was the bookstore," Sarah began, her voice carefully neutral. "They offered me the job, but the salary is a bit lower than I expected."

Jessamyn's hopeful expression dimmed slightly at Sarah's news. She tilted her head, contemplating the situation for a moment before speaking. "Well, it's good that they offered you the job, Mom," Jessamyn replied, trying to sound optimistic. "Maybe it's still a good opportunity to start with, and we can figure things out from there." Despite her attempt to remain positive, a hint of concern colored her voice.

" I sure hope so," Sarah sighed. " My dad has lived off my mom and now my step-mom, and I have always promised myself I would never be like him."

Jessamyn listened quietly, her expression softening with understanding. She reached out to gently touch Sarah's arm. "You're nothing like him, Mom," Jessamyn reassured her earnestly. "You're doing everything you can to take care of us, and I'm really proud of you." Her words carried a genuine warmth and admiration, aimed at comforting her mother in the face of uncertainty.

Zac proudly presented the finished product – a tray of decadent brownies glistening with a final flourish of melted chocolate. Kate was pulling out a tray of peanut butter cookies, and grabbing a ziplock bag to put them in once they were cool. The aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, a delightful prelude to their surprise mission.

Earlier that evening, Zac and Kate had hosted their own family dinner, a whirlwind of activity punctuated by the familiar symphony of giggles and playful squabbles. Now, with bellies full and the last dishes cleared away, a different kind of adventure awaited. This time, their kids were part of the plan. Armed with homemade treats and the promise of a surprise for their friends, the little family piled into the car, their laughter echoing in the twilight. Their destination: Sarah and Jessamyn's place, for a stolen moment of friendship, shared desserts, and the heartwarming joy of seeing their surprised faces.

As Zac and Kate's car pulled up outside Sarah and Jessamyn's house, the anticipation among the kids was palpable. They bounded out of the car, giggling with excitement as they approached the front door. Zac knocked gently with the ziplock bag of cookies in his other hand, a mischievous grin playing on his face, while Kate held the pan of brownies close to her chest.

Inside, Sarah and Jessamyn exchanged curious glances at the unexpected knock. Jessamyn opened the door to find Zac, Kate, and their children standing on the doorstep, beaming with enthusiasm. "Surprise!" Zac exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with delight.

Jessamyn's face lit up in recognition. "Zac! Kate! What a wonderful surprise," she exclaimed, stepping aside to welcome them inside. Sarah greeted their guests warmly, her expression a mix of surprise and joy. "Come on in," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Zac and Kate entered, their children trailing behind with excitement. They presented the tray of brownies and cookies, the tantalizing aroma filling the room. "We thought we'd bring over some homemade desserts to share," Kate explained, her smile warm and inviting.

Sarah and Jessamyn couldn't contain their delight as they gathered around the table, sharing stories and laughter over the delicious treats. The impromptu visit turned into a heartwarming evening of friendship and camaraderie, a testament to the bond between their families. As they savored each bite and cherished the shared moments, Zac and Kate exchanged knowing glances, grateful for the joy they had brought to their friends' lives with a simple surprise and some homemade goodies.

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