Chapter 13

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In light of their inability to revisit the gas station, Taylor, Sarah, and Natalie brainstormed alternative ways to uncover the girl's identity. Drawing on their collective resources, they decided to leverage the power of social media and online networks to aid in their search.

Sarah took the lead, scouring online platforms for any clues or connections that might lead them to the girl. Meanwhile, Taylor reached out to his network of friends and acquaintances, spreading the word about their quest and asking for any information or leads they might have.

Natalie knew that their industry connections could prove invaluable in uncovering the girl's identity without attracting unwanted attention. She suggested contacting fellow musicians, managers, or tour crew members who might have encountered the girl or heard something about her during their travels.

Taylor and Sarah agreed, impressed by Natalie's ingenuity and commitment to their cause. Together, they compiled a list of contacts to reach out to, carefully selecting individuals whom they knew they could trust to keep their search confidential.

Armed with their network of allies, Natalie set about discreetly reaching out to their contacts, delicately probing for any information that might shed light on the girl's identity. Through careful conversations and discreet inquiries, they slowly began to piece together the puzzle, uncovering clues and connections that would ultimately lead them to the truth.

In the end, it was Natalie's resourcefulness and discretion that helped Taylor and Sarah inch closer to solving the mystery of the girl's identity. By leveraging their trusted network of contacts, they were able to gather crucial information without risking exposure or compromising their privacy. As they continued their investigation, Natalie remained a steadfast ally, using her connections and intuition to guide them toward the answers they sought.

They worked on trying to figure out who the girl was until they got to their hotel and then took a break so they could rest up before going to the venue. Everyone was exhausted from barely getting any sleep the night before.

Sarah got in a shower once she was in her room and then sat down on the bed to do a little bit of coloring and watch TV.

As Sarah settled onto the plush hotel bed, a sense of weary relaxation washed over her. The warm water of the shower had washed away the lingering tension of the day, leaving her feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. With a contented sigh, she reached for her coloring book and pencils, relishing the simple pleasure of filling the blank pages with vibrant hues.

As she immersed herself in the soothing rhythm of coloring, the soft glow of the TV provided a comforting backdrop, filling the room with gentle ambient noise. Sarah allowed herself to sink into the familiar routine, letting the worries and uncertainties of the day melt away in the quiet solitude of her hotel room.

An hour and a half later, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to see Kate and Zac. They had gone to Sonic for food and gotten her a meal as well.

" We're going to have to go to the venue soon, but we have enough time to eat," Kate said, as they entered her room.

" Well, thanks for bringing me something to eat too. I appreciate it." Sarah said and began cleaning up her coloring supplies.

"You're welcome," Zac said. " We got you a five-piece chicken tender meal with cheese fries and a chocolate chip cookie dough blast."

" That sounds amazing." She sat down on the edge of the bed and took her food from him. " Where's your kids?"

" With Taylor and Natalie. They got food from Wendy's." Kate told her. " Besides, we wanted to talk to you. Natalie told us about your run-in with that girl."

" Yeah. I still can't believe it happened. And maybe it isn't the baby I was forced to put up for adoption, but..."

" It could be. You never know." Zac said, biting into his cheeseburger. " And if she is, you and Taylor will deal with it."

" I hope so. Because if she is my daughter, I don't want to lose her to Taylor and Natalie. I mean, I've always wanted to be a mom."

Sarah's words hung heavy in the air as the weight of their implications settled over the group. Kate exchanged a concerned glance with Zac, recognizing the depth of Sarah's longing and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

" I can't tell you what will happen for sure when we know if she is your daughter or not. But I will make sure Natalie knows that she isn't her parent, you are."
Kate said.

They finished eating and switched the topic to more lighthearted subjects, eager to provide Sarah with a much-needed distraction from the weight of their conversation.

When it was time to go to the venue, Sarah did her best to distract herself from thinking about the possibility of actually being a mom. But it was hard to do so. It was something she had wanted for a long time.

Isaac apparently had an idea of how to keep her from thinking about it. He had talked to his brothers about letting her help with the sound check and they agreed to it.

As Isaac shared his idea with Sarah, her eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of being involved in the sound check. Eager to distract herself from the weight of her thoughts, she readily agreed to the opportunity.

With his patient guidance, Sarah eagerly embraced her role, lending a helping hand wherever she was needed. She assisted with positioning microphones, adjusting sound levels, and troubleshooting any technical issues that arose.

As she worked alongside the crew, Sarah felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment wash over her, grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the success of the upcoming performance. In the midst of the chaos of the sound check, she found a sense of peace and belonging, grateful for the distraction and the chance to lose herself in the music.

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