Chapter 26

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The road stretched out endlessly before them as the tour bus rumbled onward, carrying Sarah, Jessamyn, and the rest of the crew toward their next destination. Sarah glanced out the window, her thoughts drifting back to the conversation with Karen and the weighty decisions that lay ahead.

Over the past few weeks, life had taken unexpected turns, weaving a complex tapestry of emotions and choices. The prospect of moving to Tulsa loomed large in Sarah's mind, presenting both challenges and possibilities. She was determined to provide Jessamyn with stability and the chance to grow closer to her newfound family, yet uncertainty gnawed at her.

Jessamyn, seated nearby, was lost in her own thoughts. The prospect of a new school and a fresh start both excited and daunted her. She fiddled with a bracelet, a gift from Sarah, a tangible reminder of their bond amidst the whirlwind of change.

In the front of the bus, Diana and Walker conferred quietly, their expressions earnest as they discussed the logistics of the shared custody proposal. The weight of their decisions hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the responsibility they carried for Jessamyn's future.

Zac settled into the seat beside Isaac, casting a sideways glance at his friend. "Hey, man, how's it going?" he asked, his tone casual.

Isaac leaned back, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Oh, you know, just trying to keep up with everything," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "It's been quite the journey lately."

Zac nodded, his expression thoughtful. "No doubt about that," he agreed. "But hey, at least we're in it together, right?"

Isaac chuckled, a sense of camaraderie settling between them. "Definitely," he replied. " I just hope the fighting comes to an end and soon. Jessamyn shouldn't have to listen to it. She's been through enough."

Zac nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting Isaac's concern. "You're right," he replied, his voice earnest. "Jessamyn deserves stability and peace, especially with everything she's dealing with." He paused, his gaze thoughtful. "Maybe we can find a way to help ease the tension. Sometimes just being there makes a difference."

They saw Jessamyn off to the side with Junia making bracelets, and laughing about something. They both smiled, glad that at the moment anyway, she seemed to be having fun instead of worrying about what was going on in her life.

As the afternoon progressed, Jessamyn and Penny found themselves engrossed in a playful disagreement over a game they were playing. The tension escalated unexpectedly when Penny made a teasing comment that struck a nerve with Jessamyn. Jessamyn's expression darkened, her eyes welling with unshed tears as she struggled to hold back her emotions. Sensing her friend's distress, Junia stepped in to diffuse the situation, but the words had already cut deep. The atmosphere grew strained, leaving a lingering unease in the air despite Junia's attempts to lighten the mood.

Penny, fidgeting uncomfortably under the combined weight of Jessamyn's hurt and Natalie's scrutiny, mumbled a half-hearted defense. "It was just a joke, Mom. Jess is being too sensitive. I didn't mean anything by it." Her voice lacked conviction, and a flicker of defiance danced in her eyes. The excuse did little to ease the tension, only highlighting the childishness of the comment and further emphasizing the pain it had caused.

Natalie regarded Penny with a soft yet probing gaze, her concern evident. "Can you tell me what you said, Penny?" she asked gently, hoping to understand the situation more clearly.

Penny hesitated, her eyes flickering briefly with uncertainty before she sighed, relenting under Natalie's earnest inquiry. "I... I said that Jessamyn's bracelet looked like something a little kid would make," Penny admitted, her voice quieter now, devoid of the earlier defensiveness. Jessamyn's expression hardened at the admission, her hurt deepening.

" Jessamyn, why don't you spend some time with your mom or something. Me and Penny need to have a talk."

With a nod, Jessamyn looked around for her mom, who was having a conversation with Nikki. She noticed Zac playing video games, and headed in his direction.

Natalie sat cross legged across from Penny, her tone gentle but firm. "It's important to remember that words can have a big impact on others, even if it's meant as a joke," Natalie explained, her voice carrying a note of empathy. "Jessamyn's feelings matter, and it's okay to express yourself without hurting someone else."

Penny gets defensive, even though she knows her mom is right. "  How is it any different than how you've been treating Sarah?"

A flicker of pain crossed Natalie's face for a brief moment, a silent acknowledgment of Penny's accusation. Regaining her composure, she took a deep breath. "You're right, Penny," she admitted, surprising her daughter. "There have been times I haven't treated Sarah the way I should have.  I was wrong, and I'm working on being better. But that doesn't excuse your behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right.  Just because I made mistakes doesn't give you the right to do the same."  Her voice remained firm but softened with a touch of vulnerability, hoping it would resonate with Penny.

Jessamyn approached Zac, noticing he was deeply engrossed in a video game. "Hey, Zac," she began tentatively, trying not to startle him. Zac paused the game and turned towards her with a warm smile.

"Hey there, Jessamyn. What's up?" he asked, setting down the controller. Jessamyn took a deep breath, her words coming out in a rush as she explained the situation with Penny and the lingering tension it had caused. Zac listened attentively, nodding in understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that, Jessamyn," he replied sympathetically. "Just remember, you can always talk to me or anyone else if you need support. We're here for you."

Jessamyn nodded gratefully, feeling a bit lighter after sharing her concerns with Zac. " I don't suppose this is a two-player game, is it?"

Zac chuckled, setting down a second controller. "Actually, it is! Want to join in?" he offered, his eyes brightening with enthusiasm. Jessamyn's face lit up with a smile, grateful for the distraction and the chance to bond with Zac. "Sure!" she replied eagerly, taking the controller. They spent the next hour playing the game together, their laughter filling the room as they navigated through the virtual world, temporarily setting aside the tensions of the day.

Sarah hadn't heard the argument between Jessamyn and Penny, but she did hear Natalie being asked about how she had been treating her. It surprised her how Natalie responded to Penny, sparking a new wave of curiosity and concern. Sarah mulled over the dynamics within the family, wondering if there were underlying tensions she had missed. The unexpected question lingered in her mind, prompting her to seek clarity from Natalie later on. She hoped to bridge any gaps and figure things out so that maybe they could learn to get along.

When she sits back down on the tour bus, she decides to entertain herself by listening to some music on her headphones. Scrolling through her playlist, she selected a few of her favorite songs to unwind and clear her mind. As the bus rolled along the highway, Sarah closed her eyes and immersed herself in the music, finding solace in the familiar melodies amidst the swirling emotions from the recent interactions with Natalie and the family dynamics. This brief escape through music helped Sarah recharge and gather her thoughts before addressing any lingering concerns or issues within the group.

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