Chapter 30

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Jessamyn entered the school, her steps light with the afterglow of yesterday's positive experience. She scanned the hallway for Emma, her new friend, but a pang of disappointment struck when she wasn't there yet. Jessamyn reached her locker, humming a tune under her breath, when a new voice cut through the pre-class chatter.

"Hey, are you the new girl?"

Jessamyn turned to see a girl with bright pink streaks in her hair and a confident smirk playing on her lips. This girl hadn't been around yesterday, and Jessamyn couldn't recall seeing her before. "Uh, yeah," Jessamyn replied, a flicker of uncertainty replacing her earlier bravado.

The girl's smirk widened, morphing into a sneer. "Well, listen up, Newbie," she said, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. "This is our school, and you better learn the rules fast." Jessamyn's stomach lurched, a cold dread settling in her gut. Before she could even process the sudden shift in tone, the girl shoved Jessamyn's shoulder, sending her stumbling back a step. The unfamiliar face and hostile demeanor sent a wave of confusion and fear washing over Jessamyn.

Emma caught sight of the scene unfolding near Jessamyn's locker, her brow furrowing with concern. Without hesitation, she strode over to where Bailey was confronting Jessamyn. "Hey, Bailey, what's going on here?" Emma's tone was firm but composed, her eyes locking onto Bailey's with an unwavering gaze.

Bailey's smirk faltered slightly as she sized up Emma's determined expression. "None of your business, Emma," Bailey retorted, her voice laced with defiance.

Emma took a step closer, her posture unwavering. "It becomes my business when you're bothering someone," she replied calmly, her voice carrying a quiet authority. "Let's keep things respectful around here, okay?"

Bailey's sneer returned, but she glanced back at Jessamyn with a look of disdain before sauntering away, muttering under her breath. Emma turned her attention to Jessamyn, her expression softening. "Are you okay?" she asked, her concern evident in her voice. "Bailey can be a handful sometimes."

" What is her problem? I didn't even do anything to her. She just literally came up to me and started harassing me."

Emma sighed, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face. "Honestly, Jessamyn, I don't know. Bailey can be territorial about the school, especially with new students. Don't take it personally.  She probably just wants to establish some kind of dominance."

Placing a hand on Jessamyn's shoulder in a comforting gesture, Emma continued, "But don't let her get to you. You seem way cooler than her anyway. Here, let's get your stuff together and head to class. We can avoid her if we need to, and maybe I can introduce you to some other people who are actually nice." A determined glint shone in Emma's eyes. "We won't let Bailey ruin your day."


Sarah ended up getting a job interview at the publishing company, and it wasn't until that afternoon. But she wasn't sure what to wear, and she had called Kate about helping her pick an outfit. They were at the mall now and going through racks of clothes.

" Does Jessamyn like her new school?" Kate asked, as she picked through some shirts.

" She seems to really like it." Sarah said, holding up a shirt to see what Kate thought, who shook her head to say no.

" I am so glad to hear that," Kate replied, her eyes lighting up with a genuine smile. "It's such a relief when they settle in well, isn't it?"

Sarah nodded in agreement, continuing their search through the racks. "Definitely. She's making friends, and Emma's been a great help too," Sarah added, pulling out a blouse and holding it against herself in front of the mirror.

Kate's eyes brightened as she examined the blouse. "That looks great on you!" she exclaimed. "It's professional but stylish. Perfect for the interview."

Sarah smiled gratefully, relieved to have Kate's guidance. As they continued their shopping, Sarah couldn't help but feel grateful for her friend's support during this transitional period. Jessamyn's positive experience at school had lifted Sarah's spirits, and now, as she prepared for her interview, she felt a renewed sense of optimism about their new life in Tulsa.

With the help of Kate, she ended up choosing a sleek, navy blue blazer paired with a crisp white blouse underneath. The blazer had a tailored fit that accentuated her figure without being too formal, giving her a polished and professional appearance. She paired this with a pair of tailored black trousers that fit perfectly, adding to the sophisticated look. To complete her outfit, Sarah opted for a pair of classic black flats that added a touch of elegance. Overall, the ensemble was stylish yet appropriate for a job interview at a publishing company, striking the perfect balance between professionalism and personal style.

Sarah arrived at the publishing company feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. The receptionist greeted her warmly and directed her to the interview room. As she entered, Sarah was met by a panel of interviewers, all of whom seemed friendly and professional. The interview flowed smoothly, with Sarah confidently discussing her skills, experiences, and passion for writing and publishing. She was able to articulate her ideas clearly and engage with the interviewers, showcasing her enthusiasm for the role. Throughout the interview, Sarah felt a sense of connection with the team, and by the end, she left feeling positive about her performance and hopeful for the opportunity ahead.

After Emma intervened and confronted Bailey, the atmosphere at school settled back into a more familiar rhythm for Jessamyn. She spent the rest of the day attending classes, gradually growing more comfortable in her new environment. Despite the initial encounter with Bailey, Jessamyn found solace in the supportive gestures of her classmates, who offered friendly smiles and small acts of kindness throughout the day. By the time the final bell rang, Jessamyn felt a renewed sense of confidence and belonging, eager to share her day's experiences with her mom and Taylor. The challenges of the morning had only strengthened Jessamyn's resolve to navigate her new school with positivity and resilience.

But she still kind of worried about how her next interaction would go with Bailey. She didn't quite expect that their first run-in together would be their last.

When the school day was over, her mom picked her up so that they could go to Taylor and Natalie's for dinner.

After the eventful school day, Jessamyn hopped into her mom's car, her mind buzzing with the day's events. As they drove to Taylor and Natalie's place for dinner, Jessamyn recounted the positive moments with her classmates and Emma's heroic intervention with Bailey. Sarah listened attentively, her pride evident in her warm smile and encouraging words.

Arriving at Taylor and Natalie's home, the atmosphere was welcoming and lively. Jessamyn was greeted by Taylor, who enveloped her in a warm hug before directing her to the living room where Natalie was preparing dinner. The tantalizing aroma of chicken lo mein filled the air, and Jessamyn couldn't wait to dig in.

As they gathered around the dinner table, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Taylor shared amusing anecdotes from the day's rehearsals, eliciting laughter from everyone. Natalie and Sarah discussed upcoming plans for the house and settled into easy camaraderie.

During the meal, Jessamyn felt a sense of comfort and belonging, surrounded by the warmth of family. She shared snippets from her day at school, emphasizing the supportive gestures of her new friend.Taylor and Natalie listened with genuine interest, showering her with praise and encouragement.

The evening concluded with dessert—a homemade apple pie from Natalie, a family favorite. As they savored the sweet treat, Jessamyn realized how fortunate she was to have such a supportive family. The challenges of the day faded into the background, replaced by a sense of gratitude and anticipation for the days ahead.

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