Chapter 11

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After a lengthy discussion, Zac and Isaac unanimously agreed that sending Sarah home was not the solution. Instead, they resolved to take proactive measures to ensure her safety and well-being while on tour. Recognizing the importance of standing in solidarity with their friend, they made it clear to Natalie and each other that they would not allow Sarah to be driven away by harassment or intimidation.

Together, they devised a plan to increase security measures at venues and implement a buddy system to ensure Sarah was never left alone. They also made a point of speaking to Sarah directly, offering their support and reassurance that they were committed to keeping her safe on the tour. With a renewed sense of determination, they set out to ensure that Sarah could continue to be a part of their journey without fear or hesitation.

As the tour progressed, Sarah and Natalie found themselves unexpectedly thrust into a challenging situation together. During a particularly hectic stop in a bustling city, their tour bus broke down on the outskirts of town, leaving them stranded with no immediate solution in sight. As frustrations mounted and tensions ran high among the band members, Sarah and Natalie found themselves alone at a nearby diner while the others tried to sort out the logistics of repairing the bus.

At first, the atmosphere between them was tense, the awkward silence punctuated only by the clatter of dishes and the distant sound of traffic outside. But as they waited together, their shared predicament slowly began to break down the walls between them. Sarah tentatively reached out, offering a small smile as she broached the topic of their strained relationship.

"I know things haven't been easy between us," she began, her voice soft but sincere. "But maybe this is an opportunity for us to start fresh, to find some common ground."

Natalie hesitated, her guard still firmly in place, but she couldn't deny the sincerity in Sarah's words. With a sigh, she nodded, her expression softening as she finally opened up about the pressures and insecurities that had fueled her hostility toward Sarah.

As they shared their stories and vulnerabilities, a newfound understanding began to blossom between them. They realized that despite their differences, they were both navigating the challenges of life on the road in their way, each struggling with their own fears and uncertainties.

By the time the rest of the band returned with a temporary solution for the bus, Sarah and Natalie had forged a tentative truce, their newfound understanding paving the way for a more civil and respectful relationship. Though they may never be best friends, they had discovered mutual respect and empathy that would carry them through the remainder of the tour and beyond.

Once they were back on the road, Sarah laid down to hopefully get some sleep. She was exhausted after the events throughout the day, and then of course the van broke down. As she closed her eyes, she felt the gentle sway of the bus full her into a sense of calm. Despite the lingering stress of the day's events, she welcomed the soothing rhythm of the road, allowing it to carry her away from the chaos and uncertainty. As the miles stretched on and the steady hum of the engine filled the air, Sarah drifted into a peaceful slumber.

It was Taylor who woke Sarah up four hours later, letting her know they were at a gas station to fill up on gas and get snacks. Everyone else was already inside, and Natalie hadn't objected to him being the one to wake her up.

" Thanks for letting me know," Sarah said, as she climbed out of bed. " I can't believe how tired I was."

" Well, yesterday was a long day. But hopefully the bus won't break down again." He said, as they headed towards the front of the bus.

" I hope not. Otherwise you guys would have to figure out how to finish the tour and who knows how long that would take. And sitting at the dinner for a few hours was... kind of weird."

" Natalie said it went better than she thought it would. But I know why you would struggle to think you two could get along for a long period of time."

" Yeah." Sarah followed him into the gas station, and they went their separate ways. She decided to grab a bag of popcorn, a king size snicker bar, a strawberry lemonade powerade, and a sprite. After a certain time of day, she tried to stay away from caffeine until morning usually. But she was still tired and hoped to get more sleep.

They were now in Tennessee and Sarah had only ever been there once. But she loved it. Heading up to the cashier, she almost ran into a girl who had just come in. "I'm sorry." She said, even though it was the other girl not paying attention to where she was going.

" No. I... It.... I'm sorry. It was totally my fault." The girl said looking up at her. " I... I just found out I was adopted and... I just am in another world right now."

" I'm sorry to hear that." Sarah said, getting a good look at the girl. She noticed she was about thirteen years old, and for some reason, felt like she knew her. Maybe it was her brown hair or her blue eyes, but she kind of reminded her of both herself and Taylor.

" Thanks." The girl said.

Sarah wasn't the only one to notice something familiar about her. Taylor was looking in their direction, and noticed something about the girl as well. She reminded him of a younger version of what Sarah would have looked like without her glasses back then.

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